Interview with writer C. D. Hill-Lavalle

cover of how to control an entire planetWriter C. (Cheryl) D. Hill-Lavalle is here today to chat with me about her true crime book, How to Control an Entire Planet…in 5 easy steps — A Planetary Exposé to Empower Evolving Humans.

During her virtual book tour, Cheryl will be awarding a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble (winner’s choice) gift card to a lucky randomly drawn winner. To be entered for a chance to win, use the form below. To increase your chances of winning, feel free to visit her other tour stops and enter there, too!

Born of humble beginnings, Cheryl could be seen as just an ordinary person; but she’s an “Old Soul” (and not just because she’s 70) who has had some extra-ordinary experiences in her life. This, her first book (written in a love for humanity), is an accumulation of over fifty years of research and study, validated through personal experience and a host of miraculous events. Initially, this research was for her own personal healing and evolution – to “make a difference” in the world. It now facilitates her gifts as a quiet channel and intuitive healer (hoping to re-open a nature and healing retreat again).

Born with a passion for business, she became the sole income-earner during most of her twenty-seven years of marriage; however, through that experience and business success she also witnessed much injustice, abuse and discrimination, fueled by our current systems. Life eventually took her to see and experience the “other side of the tracks”, meeting thousands who were struggling with poverty, illness and addictions—all trying to cope with (or “escape” from) a system that has plagued mankind for centuries, and now, threatens the very planet we reside upon.

She is compelled to share her knowledge and discoveries with the world and “Right-the-wrongs-done”, so humanity can learn the truth of their existence and their potential for change. After seven years of compiling information and unforeseen challenges, this writing has now emerged at what may be considered the perfect time – a time when the world is in massive fear and chaos, with people questioning more than ever before, realizing what’s really important in life and wanting solutions for their own peace, healing and prosperity. In this “Time of Awakening”, it is hoped that many will discover: that ALL life matters and EVERYONE has the potential to heal, prosper and evolve “Naturally”, and with grace.

She is hoping, as this book is shared and distributed globally, that she can in some way make the difference she has sought for humanity and for life on our planet, and help others who wish the same.

Welcome, Cheryl. Please tell us about your current release.
I started writing this book seven years ago, after the planetary shift that occurred at the end of Dec. 2012 that signaled a new awareness in the global population and a time of “No More Secrets”. However, it was not until I was assured by Spirit that it was a “safe time” for this truth to be revealed that I began the process of writing (as this book reveals the secrets mankind has been searching for, for centuries—secrets purposely withheld from the world population to keep them enslaved and submissive).

The first 5 chapters erupted on to paper quite quickly—about the control, how it was set up and perpetuated (as the bulk of it came through “channel”). The title was also “channeled”; however, it may give a misleading impression as this control was easy only for the race that perpetuated it. Since this control was set up 2,000 years ago and this ancient race was (and still is) superior to us in advancements and technology, they were thought of as “Gods” to all naive and primitive beings.

The balance of the book took much longer, as it required my lifetime research and experience to put it all together, so “solutions” could be easy to manifest for those desiring “change” in their life and for the survival of our planet.

I had decided to “self-publish”; but being a single widow who had fallen into the “System” (to write about it with “lived accuracy”), it took a grant from the Metis to get it started.

It was finally published in 2020, which allowed me to put in a postscript of new information I’d received about this so-called “pandemic”; but has surprised even me in that the terrible things I had written about seven years ago that could happen in the future, were actually now all taking place!

Its timing was, however, good and bad. Good, because Spirit (God) had announced shortly after its release that during the years 2020 & 2021 “All Darkness would be Revealed and Exposed to the shock of many; but it would allow truth to come to Light where benevolent changes could occur.” It was bad (for me), because all my plans for talks, book signings, trade shows and live interactions to promote my book ended, as massive restrictions and limitations increased in our country. Everyone was now forced into the internet, where censorship has escalated to a ridiculous level and those without the skills, support or additional resources to work within this environment are out of luck!

What inspired you to write this book?
I had accumulated so much knowledge that I thought I might burst if I didn’t commit it to paper; especially since my heart had been touched by the increases in human suffering I was witnessing—all brought on by people’s lack of understanding and awareness of truth. And, since I knew the simple changes we need to end all the poverty, sickness, corruption and destruction going on in the world, and the need for millions to know it also (so these changes could be enacted) drove me. These changes would benefit “Everyone” (including myself and my ambitions to do more for society while I’m here).

Excerpt from How to Control an Entire Planet…in 5 easy steps:


How you utilize the facts presented, I will let you decide, based on whatever stage of enlightenment you presently find yourself in. Whether you are an ambitious human wanting to conquer a less evolved race, a lover of mysteries, crimes and intriguing tales, or someone who is seeking answers to the meaning of life – this book is sure to satisfy.

In this time and era of “No More Secrets”, where controversy and scandals are becoming the norm, I offer you a new exposé, a “Planetary Exposé” – one filled with mystery, corruption, intrigue and plenty of “food for thought”.

At the very least, these words are presented to plant a seed in the minds of the inhabitants of this little blue planet, a planet that represents merely a tiny speck among the many universes that exist today. Our planet is the youngest, with a human population described by many other life-forms as: “uneducated bags of mostly water, primitive and savage in their current evolution.”

The first five chapters are channeled and narrated from an alien’s point of view – one of the alien races who had taken over and successfully controlled at least two populated planets – attesting to their proficiency in this process. One planet, after years of their control, exhausted its life – a physical legacy of a doomed culture. The second planet, which this alien race will now refer to, is one that is still under their control, and has been for thousands of years.

This story tells of their current and more successful takeover, outlining how it was achieved, and the steps that were used to set up control of its populace.

From the sixth chapter forward, I take the story in a new direction, revealing more important history, secrets, discovery and channel – offering powerful solutions to aid our own planet in its present day survival, as well as ways to improve the health, safety and prosperity for all human beings. Pages are included for notes, with the hope, as you make your discoveries you may be inspired to make a difference in your own life, or that of others. You may even discover more of your past within these pages – stifled memories of a distant ancestry.

Written to educate the inhabitants of our own planet, this five-step process is also given as a confessional of sorts, by a dissenter, one could say, of this alien race. I’ve heard that he is one of many of his kind who is tiring of the control and deceit they have perpetuated. In its telling, there may be hope for our own understanding that all souls, aliens and humans alike, can evolve, absolve their misgivings, and seek forgiveness. This is indeed something we as humans would do well to master for our own peace and evolution.

This book, I’ve also found, has some divine “magic” within its pages. One, that once read, then randomly opened with intent, will provide a valuable message for the reader on that day.

My hope is that it will not only inform, but inspire, long after its completion – helping you gain the wisdom and power to not only enhance your own life, but the life of our planet as well.


What exciting story are you working on next?
Am considering (as time and finances allow), a shorter e-book, elaborating on our need to evolve and how to do this. I could also create a very interesting autobiography of my spiritual journey; but only through “dictation”, as it would be too much if I had to write it myself.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I never DID consider myself a writer, as my writing is too time-consuming (considering how I type). I prefer interacting “live” with people.

Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
Being alone now most of the time (due to covid), with a dwelling to maintain, keeps me busy enough. I also make continuous notes to myself – ideas, thoughts, plans and things to do and what I need to learn about computers – too many “ideas” and things to do that I NEED a secretary! I find my “joy time”, however, in the wildlife I care for.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
My entire book was typed out on a computer; but I am NOT a typist. I type with one finger, looking at the keyboard the whole time, just occasionally looking up to check my work as I go; so it usually takes “forever” to type anything (esp. since I’m a bit of a perfectionist also)!

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
An entertainer or “Fun-House” creator; so I could bring joy to children and people.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
Just that I would love to meet them all in person someday!

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Thanks for being here today, Cheryl!

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6 thoughts on “Interview with writer C. D. Hill-Lavalle

  1. Cheryl Hill-Lavalle says:

    Rita: Thank you. I believe it is. It represents 50 years of research and experience and is exposing a lot of information and truth–answering what is REALLY going on today. However, the “1%” are doing all they can to suppress truth from surfacing these days, making distribution difficult. A couple readers so far have said that just “One Chapter” may be all you need to change your life and enhance your future; so am hoping it will be shared, and “MANY” can benefit.

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