Interview with contemporary romance writer Gloria J Goldsmith

cover for French KissToday’s special author guest is Gloria J Goldsmith to chat with me about her new contemporary romance, French Kiss.

During her virtual book tour, Gloria will be awarding a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble (winner’s choice) gift card. To be entered for a chance to win, use the form below. To increase your chances of winning, feel free to visit her other tour stops and enter there, too!

My secret pleasure-writing has always been focused on romance. French Kiss is a Contemporary Romance based on a fictionalized version of experiences during eighteen months of living and working abroad before the formation of the European Union.

Next year, my first Historical Regency Romance That Wylde Woman will be published. It has allowed me to indulge my curiosity and enthusiasm for history by incorporating a historical geologic event that affected weather and farming. And even how England’s ongoing war with France impacted clothing styles.

Even after teaching English word structure and syllabication for years, I continue to be fascinated with the English language. Our language is a gloriously accommodating blend of Saxon, Norwegian, German, Latin, Greek, French, and a few others sprinkled in for good measure. I still marvel at how fluid it can be, changing and expanding over time.

My most pleasurable teaching moments were showing students how a wondrous story can take their imaginations to other times, places, even other worlds. I started my first foray into publishing with a nonfiction book, The Sensible Parent’s Little Homeschooler Handbook.

Welcome, Gloria. Please tell us about your current release.
I was DONE! I ditched graduation, dumped my repressed college boyfriend, and dropped my sexual insecurities for a wild ride with Destiny. Unpredictable Fate beckoned with a European adventure!

In a chance encounter, I met Jean Louis. From the instant we met, the dashing young Frenchman soothed my bruised heart, rejuvenated my spirit, and convinced me that leaving my old life was no mistake. Together, we set out to explore southern France.

Jean Louis was torn from my life almost as quickly as he had entered it. Yet, he left the haunting memory of his caress permeating my every thought. Driven by love and passion, I journeyed to find my lover, even if it meant scouring all the hidden corners of France.

Would I ever reunite with the man I believe to be my one true soulmate? Would I ever hear him say he feels the same for me as I do him? What twist of Fate will it take for me to find him?

What inspired you to write this book?
Friends encouraged me to write down some of my European adventures. I already had letters I had sent home and some journals I kept while in Europe. I included some tourist-type things I visited: sitting in the Devil’s Throne, the medieval walled town of Pérouges, the view from Mount Puget, visiting the Bocca della Verità, and Stonehenge.

I wanted to combine some of my own actual events with a story about a young woman confused about love. Believing she had fallen deeply in love but discovering it was not returned, she thought it better to be skeptical of men.  Unsure of her own emotions, she knew she had a wealth of love to share if only she understood herself better.


Excerpt from Chapter 14 of French Kiss:
Even though our bedrolls on the floor were side by side, Ethan always kept six inches between us. I had wanted to hug him, touch him, kiss him, but I didn’t. I wasn’t going to force anything on him. If he did actually care for me, loved me, surely this would be a natural occurrence. I felt the familiar pangs of longing for something that just wasn’t there.

My heart could not face the truth that my first love was just that. My first love. But not his. He was a great guy, intelligent and caring, and perhaps willing to have me as a travel partner, but he was not in love with me. My brain knew this; my heart still ached and wanted what it could never have. Strangely, when he left, he still spoke of us meeting in Israel. The mention again of our past plan was just enough to keep a tiny bloom of hope alive. When I saw him off on the S-Bahn platform, he entered the train car and found a seat. I waved at him, but he never looked back.

Jean Louis, the man who declared without reservation that he loved me, found it hard to part with me, waving and throwing kisses, watching me as long as he could. The differences were overwhelming.

Staring at the train as it moved out of view, that small, budding bloom of hope withered. I had to keep repeating he was my first love, but not his. Not his. When he spoke of meeting in Israel, it was just a friend talking to a friend.


What exciting story are you working on next?
I am editing my historical regency romance, That Wylde Woman!, which I expect to launch in 2022.

Marleigh Barrett, the American-born daughter of the Earl of Wylde, sets the Ton on their heels when she does not ‘give a brass farthing’ for their opinions. Never hesitating to express her true sentiments, she refuses to be maneuvered into wedlock by plotting financially-strapped, title-rich males looking for a lavish dowry. And even rips a decorative sword off a wall to prove to a Lothario she is resolute in her convictions!

Her business acumen, confidence, combined with a single raised eyebrow for those attempting to dazzle, attracted the Duke of Pangbourne. A recent returnee from the war, he is positive he has found his Duchess. Marleigh, although intrigued by his deep voice, impressive stature, and roguish ways, has come to Britain with a purpose in mind which doesn’t include marriage.

Will Marleigh return to America to run Wylde Shipping, or will Pangbourne convince her that he and Britain need her Wylde wiles?

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I had joined a writer’s group and was told that the chapter I had just read needed work. I was challenged to come back to the next meeting with it written on 3 different intensity levels. I came back with the three levels and realized I could rewrite and make it better without a problem. That was when I realized I had talent and needed to hone it by continuing to write and rewrite, edit and re-edit. You have to be willing and able to take constructive criticism.

Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your work-day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I worked part-time as a substitute salesperson showing model homes for the two years before the pandemic. The job allowed me to use my laptop at work, and when no customers were around, I could write. It was great. I like to say it was my first experience of being paid to write!

I do write full-time now. Other things recently have gone by the wayside as I have prepared for this first novel to be published. But I still do all the regular housekeeping things and yard work, plus now, I am continuing my Zoomba classes. I hope to get back to embroidery and quilting one day, but I am having too much fun dreaming up stories and writing them down.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I have never had “writer’s block.” I suppose because it’s all made up, I’m good as long as my brain can think of some scenario. I have discovered I am sort of a half-pantser. I have an idea for a book, and I write down what comes to my mind. It is never complete. It is always just a scene, perhaps something in the middle of the story. I write as much as my imagination at that moment can come up with. Then I start the story, using the paragraph or the whole page of information I wrote, fleshing out the story. The next day is always enjoyable for I have to decide where do I go from here? As a pantser we just come up with ideas on the fly. Sometimes they are useable, sometimes not. Or at least not right now, but later, they may fit a story perfectly.

And my other thing is… I must have coffee or chocolate at some point during the day, or both!

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I was sure I was going to be an actress. I could emote with the best of them. And one of my three BA’s is in Theater, but I discovered directing was more fun.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I look forward to hearing the reader’s comments about French Kiss. I hope it will result in some emails with their own travel romance stories. And of course, if they enjoy historical romance, please sign up for my newsletter to keep informed about the launch date for That Wylde Woman! coming out next year.

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Thank you for being here today, Gloria.

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6 thoughts on “Interview with contemporary romance writer Gloria J Goldsmith

  1. Bea LaRocca says:

    Thank you for sharing your author interview and book details and for offering a giveaway, I have enjoyed reading about you and your work and am looking forward to reading your book

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