Interview with poet Dr. Matthew Mumber

Today’s special guest is poet Matthew Mumber to chat about his new chapbook, The Attending. Bio:Matthew Mumber, M.D., practices medicine as a board-certified radiation oncologist with the Harbin Clinic in Rome. After entering private practice, Matt attended and graduated from Dr. Andrew Weil’s fellowship in integrative medicine at the University of Arizona, where he met Read More

Interview with poet Nicholas Regiacorte

Poet Nicholas Regiacorte joins me to today to talk a little about his new collection, American Massif. Bio:Nicholas Regiacorte is the author of American Massif, published by Tupelo Press. His poems have appeared in 14 Hills, Copper Nickel, Mary, New American Writing, Descant, Bennington Review, Colorado Review, Verse Daily, Dialogist and elsewhere. Currently, he teaches Read More

Interview with writer Xu Xi

Today’s special guest is writer Xu Xi to chat with me about her new collection of short fiction and essays, Monkey in Residence & Other Speculations. Bio: XU XI 許素細 is an Indonesian-Chinese novelist, fiction writer, and essayist from Hong Kong who became a U.S. citizen at the age of 33. Author of fifteen books, Read More