
I’m an editor, author interviewer, and book reviewer — for all fiction genres, non-fiction, technical, & business.

I purposely pursued a master’s in writing (and literature) to try to narrow in on “A Genre,” but I enjoyed every type of writing I tried – horror, children’s, young adult, screen writing, science fiction, poetry, romance, journalism, non-fiction, and memoir.

I favor fiction more than non (but I write both) and it shouldn’t be a surprise that with fiction I favor mystery and dark fiction. The muse loves to tug at my strings, and when I sit down to write, even if I think I’m starting a children’s short story, it usually ends up having a Stephen King-est feel to it. (Stephen King books came into my life when I was a teenager and I thoroughly enjoyed the Maine settings and the multiple characters who came to life for me in the pages. My copy of The Stand is crumpled, torn, and partially taped together, but still my favorite novel.)

My shortest published work is 55 words. My longest published includes a short story and poem in a zombie-themed anthology, and a short story in a mystery e-magazine.

Paper books still find their way into my hands much more than e-books (I devour J.D. Robb and J.R. Ward novels much too quickly, just as I do eating Peppermint Patties and drinking iced coffee) as there is just something more magical about holding a work and reading it than reading words on a screen (which I do day-in and day-out as a writer and editor). I’m that way with my personal writing too — it may flow faster by typing, but I don’t ever feel as satisfied with a piece when I’m using a keyboard as when I use pen and paper — for the first draft in particular.

I’ve tackled National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) numerous times and have numerous first drafts begging for my attention… someday I’ll get them edited and published.

For now, I truly love helping others polish their works so they can be published. And, as you can see from this site, I love helping authors promote their works through interviews, and when I can catch up again, through book reviews.

Thank you for visiting!