Interview with fantasy author D.F. Jones

Fantasy author D.F. Jones is chatting with me about her new time travel romance, Soul Love (a past lives time travel romance).

cover for soul love

Meet D.F. Jones, the USA Today Best-Selling Author and #1 International Bestseller who weaves magic into every page, with a career that began as a broadcast consultant at Nashville’s ABC Affiliate and led to founding a successful advertising agency, D.F. Jones knows how to captivate an audience.

In 2015, she downsized her agency to care for her parents, finding solace and creative freedom in writing. Writing is more than a passion for her—it’s a journey to places where anything is possible, filled with dreams and limitless imagination.

D.F. Jones’s books are a whirlwind of supernatural adventure and romance, from angels and demons to time travel, witches, wizards, and ghosts. Her stories are not just action-packed but emotional rollercoasters that will leave you breathless.

At home, she’s happily married to her best friend and the love of her life. Together, they cherish their two wonderful sons. She’s either laughing at her husband’s jokes, cheering for the Tennessee Titans, or tending to her flower gardens when she’s not writing.

Welcome, D.F., what inspired you to write this book?
I love the idea of time travel and that our souls carry the wisdom of multiple lifetimes. The spark for this story came while working on the Shifting Magic anthology with a group of terrific fellow authors. I wrote Soul Love’s short story. The characters kept speaking to me.

Summer Jewel, my protagonist, mirrors my love for charming hometowns with her bookstore in the town square. Every day, she witnesses the enchanting transformation of an old Victorian house across the street by a skilled interior designer. The designer’s open invitation to explore the house alone becomes Summer’s secret adventure. One day, her curiosity leads her to a mysterious attic door that exudes an irresistible allure.

Her explorations don’t go unnoticed, and the enigmatic owner, Rogan Randolph, soon extends a warm invitation to dinner in the now-restored home. A tornado brings them closer, igniting a whirlwind romance that Summer never saw coming. Yet, the attic’s pull proves too strong. Sneaking back, she’s catapulted back in time, awakening in the early twentieth century, where she confronts a startling truth: her soul inhabits a different body. As she delves into the mysteries of reincarnation, she discovers that love transcends time, binding souls across lifetimes. Her journey is a heartfelt exploration of past lives and the enduring power of love.

Excerpt from Soul Love:
Her reverie was broken by a loud backfire from a vehicle outside, followed by grinding gears. Curiosity piqued, Summer approached the entertainment room and peered through the three-inch wooden blinds. She watched a moving van pull in and park across the street in front of the old Victorian house she’d always admired. The place had sat empty for years. She once heard that the house had been part of a large farm. She loved the old Victorian’s steep, varied, red-shingled rooflines, towers, and turrets and adored the stained-glass windows with their gingerbread trim work.

The house had always seemed a bit out of place in their neighborhood. The lovely old home’s renovation had started last year and looked complete from her vantage point. Whoever the owners were, they’d kept the charming home’s character. Craning her neck, she couldn’t tell if the newcomers were a family.

Summer ventured out the side pedestrian door, her gaze drawn to the moving activity. Three men were unloading furniture from the truck, one clearly in charge. As their eyes met, Summer felt a sudden rush of nervousness.

She approached her mailbox, and one of the men raised his hand in greeting. She fumbled with a piece of junk mail. “Moving in?” she called out.

He walked to the end of the driveway. “Hi, I’m Erik, the designer.” Without waiting for her response, he quickly asked, “Have you ever met the owners?”

How odd. “Um. No. Why? Haven’t you?”

“I hoped you might know them. We worked through an attorney who never disclosed their names.” He shrugged. “No harm in asking.”

“I love the house. Is there any chance I could peek inside?” Sure, it was forward of her, but it might be the only way to satisfy her curiosity.

Erik nodded. “This is our last load of furniture, so why not? I love showing off my work.” He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a business card. “I’m posting the project online. I would appreciate it if you’d leave a glowing comment on social media.” His hands tented.

“Sure thing.” Summer hated social media but took his card anyway.

She followed him up the painted plank steps through the open door.

An elaborate crystal chandelier hung in the entry. In front of her, the rich mahogany staircase dazzled against a backdrop of blue-green textured walls. A baby grand piano was positioned in the living room corner to the left of a rock fireplace. The art over the mantel looked like a Renoir. She wondered if it was an original or a reproduction.

Then something weird happened. The hair on her neck and arms rose. She had a deja vu feeling as if she had been there before. Trying to shake off the unsettling sensation, she turned in a slow circle and said, “It’s beautiful, better than I even imagined. I love it!”

Erik seemed pleased with her assessment, grinning from ear to ear. “I chose warm, rich colors. I can’t stand the fact that most designers are like sheep. The minimalists’ interior design with white is so overused and blah,” he said with an eye roll. “I updated the lighting fixtures and completely renovated the central kitchen. It’s three stories with the attic and a downstairs complete with a cookery and staff rooms.”

A mover dropped one end of a very expensive-looking bureau. Erik shouted, “Do not scratch the floors or furniture.” Then he glanced apologetically at Summer. “I’ve got to work. I have a deadline with instructions to leave the house by seven o’clock this evening. Feel free to look around.”

Yippee—freedom’s call echoed in her heart, inviting her to explore uninhibited. Summer drifted through the library first. Its walls were lined with ancient, leather-bound books. The scent of old paper and the hushed tales of forgotten lore surrounded her, igniting a thrill only a true book lover could understand and appreciate. Each step was a dance with history as her fingers trailed over the spines, noting the weight in their textured covers.

The library seamlessly gave way to an entertainment room, where contemporary met old-world design, asserting itself with an audacious flair. A large, ultra-high-definition television screen dominated one wall, surrounded by a state-of-the-art sound system. Soft, ambient lighting emanated from cleverly hidden sources, casting a glow that accentuated luxurious furnishings from the plush, angular sofa to the gleaming, geometric coffee table.

What exciting project are you working on next?
Oh, I’m thrilled you asked! Right now, I’m diving into the world of audiobooks, giving my readers a whole new way to experience my stories. Imagine hearing the tension, romance, and adventure come to life right in your ears—talk about an immersive experience!

But that’s not all. Depending on how my lovely readers react, we might see book two in the continuing saga of Soul Love. The plot twists and turns are already brewing in my mind, and trust me, you won’t want to miss where the story leads.

And here’s a little tease for you—I’ve been bitten by the dragon bug! I’m deep in research mode, concocting a brand-new tale that’s all about these magnificent creatures. I’ve even got a title and cover ready to go, but those details are under wraps until my research is complete. This new project will be fiery and fantastical, so stay tuned!

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
Ah, taking a trip down memory lane! My writing journey started in middle school when I put together a school paper and even crafted a screenplay about Frankenstein. Fast forward to post-college, I snagged a gig as a broadcast consultant. My long-form musings transformed into snappy commercials, captivating vignettes, and even a medical TV show. Who knew?

headshot photo of author d.f. jones

The real game-changer? 2014. Life took a turn when my parents needed me, and working sixty-hour weeks was no longer an option. So, I downsized and penned the first page of Ruby’s Choice. Let’s be honest; it wasn’t pretty. I’m a hands-on learner, and those early days were rough. Brutal, even. But slowly, I fell head over heels for storytelling.

I guess the real spark came from my dad—he was an amazing oral storyteller. His tales were legendary. Now, with eleven novels, six short stories, and several anthologies under my belt, I’ve truly found my authentic voice. And I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your workday like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I’ve had a remarkable career where I can write without the pressure of deadlines. That’s one of the perks of being an independent author. My husband and I run a separate, incredibly successful business, giving me the luxury to develop narratives.

My writing process starts with the development stage. Research is my favorite part of the process, ensuring every detail I present in my manuscript is relevant. When I first started, I was a full-on pantser, flying by the seat of my pants. Nowadays, I use outlines to guide my story, though my characters often have their own minds and take me on unexpected journeys. I allow my creativity to flow organically.

A crucial part of my process is my brilliant critique partner. They’re honest and invaluable in helping me shape my stories. Once the manuscript is complete, it’s time for Beta Readers to catch any errors and punctuation mishaps. After that, I uploaded it for ARCs and crossed my fingers that I find any remaining issues before launch week.

Writing full-time might not be my path, but with my freedom and flexibility, I truly savor and enjoy every step of the storytelling journey!

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
Oh, commas—the bane and boon of my writing life! Every writer I know has a slightly different take on comma placement, and I’m no exception. I’ve got a bit of a love-hate relationship with those tiny punctuation marks. My editor often jokes that my commas have more personality than some characters! It’s a quirky dance, trying to balance the flow of a sentence with the rules of grammar, but it keeps things interesting and keeps me on my toes.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was a child, I dreamt of becoming a psychiatrist. I even earned my Bachelor of Science degree with that goal in mind. However, being an empath made it incredibly challenging to detach emotionally, which is crucial in that profession. But, the silver lining is that training has been invaluable throughout my life. It’s given me a deep understanding of people, emotions, and motivations—skills that have significantly enriched my storytelling. So, while I didn’t end up on the psychiatrist’s couch, those early aspirations still play a vital role in my work today.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
Summer and Rogan have a unique and lovely chemistry in Soul Love. If you’re a fan of fantasy with elements of past lives, time travel, and romance, then Soul Love is for you. Depending on readers’ responses, I may develop a second book. Please let me know your thoughts after reading!

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