Interview with inspirational Christian author Karen Brown Tyson

Time to Reset coverToday’s special weekend author guest is Karen Brown Tyson. We’re chatting about her new inspirational Christian non-fiction, Time to Reset: A 21-Day Devotional to Renew Your Mind After Being Sidelined, Disappointed, or Knocked Off Course.

You can learn more about Karen and her writing and see her other tour stops, here.

Karen Brown Tyson is living her dream life as an author. After being laid off in 2017, Karen welcomed the opportunity to try new things and trust God’s plan. Based in North Carolina, she started her freelance public relations and writing business, Constant Communicators, in 2018. When she isn’t working with clients, she’s busy taking care of her son and husband.

Karen’s love for books started at a young age when she would save her allowance to buy every Trixie Belden mystery book she could find. On the day she graduated from West Virginia University with a degree in English, she vowed to write a book one day.

Despite writing all day for her job, Karen felt a void in her writing life. Before her layoff, she started posting articles on LinkedIn and eventually started a blog in 2018. But it wasn’t until she heard God tell her to write a 21-day devotional that she rekindled her book-writing dreams. Determined to finally make it to the finish line, Karen created a writing plan, compiled research, and spent six months writing at her kitchen island. As a result, she published her first book, Time to Refresh: A 21-Day Devotional to Renew Your Mind After Being Laid Off, Fired, or Sidelined.

Welcome, Karen. Please tell us about your current release.
Time to Reset is the second book in my Time to Grow in Grace series. The book is a 21-day Christian devotional that focuses on a different topic each day, like dealing with the past, embracing change, and trusting God. Each devotional highlights lessons from the Bible and encourages readers to G.L.O.W, which stands for Gratitude, Listening, Observation and Witness. The book also includes advice on handling issues related to being sidelined, disappointed, or knocked off course.

What inspired you to write this book?
When I wrote my first book, Time to Refresh: A 21-Day Devotional to Renew Your Mind After Being Laid Off, Fired, or Sidelined, I had just been laid off from my job and wanted to write a book that inspired people to move forward. What inspired me to write Time to Reset was the idea of starting over. As we go through life, there may be moments where we need to assess our current situation, make changes, and then start again.


Excerpt from Time to Refresh:

Like so many people, I got laid off in November 2017. After deciding to make a business strategy shift, the company I worked for was letting me go by the end of the year. Just like that, my job came to an abrupt end. In the moments after hearing the news, I made one of the most important decisions of my life. I turned to God. At that moment, I believed that if God allowed my job to end, then he had something better planned for me. So, what did I do? I decided to let them go. At the same hour, I learned the company was letting me go; I decided to let my employer go, too. Not from a place of bitterness or anger. But from a place of peace.


What exciting story are you working on next?
I’m working on the next book in the series, Time to Rejoice: A 21-Day Devotional to Renew Your Mind After Being Knocked Off Course, Let Down or Broken. I’m also in the beginning stages of writing my first fiction novel.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
That’s an easy one for me. From the time I started my career in public relations and corporate communications more than 28 years ago, I considered myself a writer. There’s a quote that says, “Writers write.” Well, I write all day. My job as a communicator involves a lot of writing. The fact that I focus on writing nonfiction books about topics I love is a continuation of my writing journey and a blessing.

Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your workday like? If not, what do you do other than write, and how do you find time to write?
Yes. As part of my business, Constant Communicators, I write material for corporate clients. When I don’t have client meetings and commitments, I focus on my writing – either for my blog or my books. So my day is a mix of client meetings and writing projects. To fit everything in, I have a consistent schedule every day to get up between 4 and 5 a.m. to start my devotional time with God. Then I get dressed and start working at my desk in my home office. I stop between 11:30 and 1 p.m. to make sure my husband and son get a good lunch. To keep my energy up, I take a walk with my husband every day. To keep my schedule on track, I use time-blocking.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
When I need to focus on writing, I light my favorite candle from Target, black bamboo. It works every time.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
An English teacher. I used to play school with my dolls and pass out writing assignments. I was always practicing my penmanship.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I love connecting with people on my website or my social media platforms.

This book is now available for purchase on Amazon, Thrift Books, and Barnes and Noble. You can also add this to your GoodReads reading list.

Thanks for being here today! Happy touring!


Full tour listing:

April 19th @ WOW! Women on Writing
Join us as we celebrate the launch of Karen Brown Tyson’s blog and podcast tour of her book Time to Reset. Read an interview with the author and enter to win a copy for yourself.

April 20th @ Bookwoman Joan
Joan is reviewing Karen Brown Tyson’s devotional Time to Reset.

April 22nd @ Jill Sheets Blog
Visit Jill’s blog and read her review of Karen Brown Tyson’s devotional Time to Reset.

April 25th @ World of My Imagination
Nicole will be reviewing Karen Brown Tyson’s devotional Time to Reset.

April 29th @ The Frugalista Mom
Join Rozelyn as she reviews Time to Reset by Karen Brown Tyson.

April 30th @ A Storybook World
Deirdra will be featuring Time to Reset by Karen Brown Tyson on her blog.

May 5th @ Crafty Moms Share
Join Carrie as she reviews Karen Brown Tyson’s devotional Time to Reset.

May 6th @ Beverley A. Baird’s Blog
Beverley will be reviewing Time to Reset on her blog.

May 8th @ HERE!

May 12th @ Look to the Western Sky
Margo reviews Time to Reset on her blog today.

May 21st @ Strength 4 Spouses
Wendi reviews Karen Brown Tyson’s inspiring devotional Time to Reset.

May 22nd @ Leslie’s Voice
Leslie will be reviewing Time to Reset by Karen Brown Tyson.

May 23rd @ Wildwood Reads
Join Megan as she reviews Karen Brown Tyson’s devotional Time to Reset.


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