Today’s special guest is poet Thomas Leslie McRae to chat about his new collection, Lyrical Revelations.

Welcome, Thomas. What do you enjoy most about writing poems?
I enjoy allowing my imagination to take me anywhere and everywhere. Enjoying my moment of peace and solidarity. Poetry is a blessing that saved my life and opened my heart to new beginnings and endless journeys.
Can you give insight to a few of your poems perhaps a couple of favorites?
I don’t have any specific favorites because they all meant something to me at some point in time. Whether they were love poems, spiritual, political or personal. I write poems because I love writing how I’m feeling or what inspired me to write. It just feels right and I’m a better person because of poetry.
What form are you inspired to write and why?
Rhyming poetry works wonders for me because it comes so naturally without any hesitation or lack of focus.
What is the next project you’re working on?
I’m currently still promoting Lyrical Revelations but when that’s done, I’ll be working on another poetry book title to be named at a later date and time. With Eber and Wein Publishing and my friend Rachel Mueck editor and Chief of the company.
When was the first time you consider yourself a poet?
I was always a poet and now I’m a self-published author getting things done and making things happen. One day at a time, step by step no matter the cost or sacrifice. I’m always going to be me and not worry about the hater’s or none believer’s.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?
A veterinarian, basketball player, entertainer and a writer. But overall, I did good for myself, city employee over 21 years, a poet, good friend, kind person and one gentle soul.
Anything extra you want to share with readers?
Lyrical Revelations is a short but very good read filled with positive and strong messages. You can purchase it on Amazon, Walmart, Barnes and Noble, and several other poetry sites and online stores. Very cheap $7.50 and it won’t be a disappointing read at all.
I have read alot of Thomas McCrae’s works enjoy it all. Also enjoyed this interview. Thank you.
Thank you brother Steve