Interview with fantasy author K. M. Warfield

Fantasy author K. M. Warfield is chatting with me about her new novel, Scales and Stingers – book 1 of the Heroes of Avoch.

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Born in the late 1960’s, K. M. has lived most of her life in the Pacific NW. While she’s always been creative, she didn’t turn towards writing until 2008. Writing under the name of KateMarie Collins, she released several titles. In 2019, the decision was made to forge a new path with her books. The Heroes of Avoch series, along with a new pen name, are the end result.

When she’s not writing, she loves playing Dungeons & Dragons with friends, watching movies, and cuddling up with her cat. K. M. resides with her family in what she likes to refer to as “Seattle Suburbia”.

You can find K. M. at the following sites:

Please tell us about your current release.
Scales and Stingers is the first book in the trilogy. The second, Shield and Scepter came out in November of 2023. The final book, Sword and Soul, released this past May.

What inspired you to write this book?
I played in/helped run a D&D campaign for 3 ½ years. When we retired those characters, I wasn’t ready. I took some of the characters (with the players blessings), put them in a world of my own, and started to share with readers what it’s like to have friends that become family.

Excerpt from Scales and Stingers:
The door to the room flew open, banging loudly against the wall. Thia’s head jerked toward the sound. Someone stood in the doorway, but there was no way it was Jinaari. Caelynn and Adam took defensive stances in front of her as the figure started to remove his helm.

“Let’s talk,” Alesso said as he kicked the door shut.

Rising slowly, Thia kept her eyes on Alesso. “About what?” Adam asked.

          The man unsheathed a sword and dagger, then laid both on the table before stepping away. “I’m not here to kill the mongrel.” Thia felt his gaze settle on her. “I’ve been told not to. I’m actually here to protect her.”

          “How about you stay over there and wait for Jinaari to come back? Then we’ll talk about who’s doing what.”

          “Not going to happen.” The brown-haired man leaned against the wall near the door.

          “What’s not happening?”

          “Althir. He’s not coming back. Not for a while, anyway.”

          “Dunno about that,” Adam countered. “He’s going to walk through that door within the next few minutes. I’m pretty sure he’s not going to be thrilled to see you. Not after the stunt you pulled at the docks.”

          Alesso snorted, muttering something Thia couldn’t understand. “Let’s get this over with,” he said. Reaching over his shoulder, he pulled a large shield free and placed it on the ground. Picking up his weapons again, he put them on the shield, pointing at him. He then knelt on the ground. “By Garret’s Grace do I, Alesso Potiri, offer myself as Champion to Thia Bransdottir. My blades are yours to command. I will tell you no lie. I will do you no harm. I will protect you from all foes. This do I swear, until such time as Jinaari Althir returns, you dismiss me, Garret recalls me, or my life is spent.” He raised his head, staring at her.

          Thia took a few steps forward, sliding between Adam and Caelynn. That vow was not one he would’ve made lightly. Her own vow, when she became a priestess, was similarly worded. If he broke any of it, the consequences would be dire. Deadly, even. It was on her to accept or reject him. She glanced at Adam, whispering, “We need a sword until Jinaari returns. And we won’t get him to tell us where he went until this is done.”

What exciting project are you working on next?
Oh, that’s a tough one! I have 4 possible projects within the world of Avoch…. And one that’s not even close. I’m having a hard time deciding what one wants to be finished first.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
When I finally stopped hearing the voice in my head that said I wasn’t possibly good enough to even try. No one would read it, even if I did find a publisher. It’s taken over 15 years to go from writing the first line of the first novel I wrote to looking at this series and be able to say I’m proud of this series. That, yeah, it’s good enough to be read by more than a few friends.

Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your workday like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I don’t write full time. I’ve got a 40-hour-a-week job, so writing is here and there in the evenings or on weekends. I’m not prone to making myself write. I need my fingers to be itching for the keyboard.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I get my fingers on the keys, start the playlist, and close my eyes. Whatever scene I’m working on starts playing like a movie in my head and I let my fingers figure out what words to describe it. It’s how I turn off my internal editor. If I have my eyes open, I’ll spend 15 minutes agonizing over a single word.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
It changed so much. Hair stylist, actress, dancer, veterinarian… of everything I thought of, the only support I got from my parents was a ‘normal’ career. One that didn’t involve anything creative. I tried. I really did. And I spent a lot of time convinced that my writing ability was only something that got me through an essay on a test. Writing, though, feels so natural. Organic, even. Sitting at my keyboard, painting pictures with words, meeting readers, having them ask me questions about small details…. I can’t think of anything better.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I hope you enjoy the book enough to leave a review. They matter.

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