Interview with mystery author Tracey Lampley

Today’s special guest is novelist Tracey Lampley and we’re chatting about her new mystery, All Money Ain’t Good Money.

cover for all money ain't good money

Tracey is in the midst of a book tour with Wow! Women on Writing. Feel free to visit her other tour stops to learn more about her and her writing. Tour stops listed after the interview below.

When she is not writing, Tracey Lampley loves attending and watching sporting events such as WNBA, NBA, college football and NFL football. Currently Tracey is completing her MA in Creative Writing at Southern New Hampshire University. She already holds an MS in Publishing from Pace University and a BA in English/Technical & Scientific Communication from Miami University of Ohio. She resides in the metro Atlanta, Georgia area with her pooch Neo and near her daughter Asia.

Welcome, Tracey. What inspired you to write this book?
For my first two books, I wrote a romantic suspense series title Kept. Since I love reading mysteries and thrillers like the Alex Cross novels or the Stephanie Plum series, I decided to write my own African American mystery sleuth series. Hopefully, I cast a wide net and find a large audience like those two authors have.

Excerpt from All Money Ain’t Good Money:
The doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it, Mom!” After a moment, Arielle called out. “You have company.”

I groaned and hoped it wasn’t my boss because I’d forgotten to check back in with Capricorn. Shit! I hoped it wasn’t Conner’s parents because I hadn’t had the chance to file the restraining order yet. My shoulder muscles tightened again, and a fluttery feeling erupted in my chest, but I threw my shoulders back and marched to the front door and froze. It took a moment for me to take in the sight of Bam looming in the doorway.

A gleam appeared in his eyes. Instinctively I reached for Arielle and pulled her away. “Go to your room,” I commanded her.

“But, Mom?”

“Do it!”

For once my teenager obeyed me. Perhaps it was because Bam had clicked the switchblade and began cleaning his fingernails with it. My Glock was in the bedroom, and I hoped Arielle could retrieve it and just give it to me.

Bam half shrugged. “You’re late deliverin’ my package.”

I stepped back, but Bam moved forward. My gaze darted behind him then settled on his menacing face. “I’ve been hospitalized.”

“You shouldn’t poke the bear. Bitch, you have ten seconds to go get my money.”

“No, bitch, you got two seconds to step the fuck outta our house,” Arielle warned.

Bam looked past me, and I had no doubt that he was no match for Arielle after I heard the rack of the slide. I’d taught Arielle how to shoot last year. Bam’s eyes bulged, and his full-body tremors confirmed his terror. “W-wait a minute now.”

My daughter took a position at my side and trained my Glock on Bam. “No, you wait a minute, bitch. It’s just like a thug to bring a knife to a gunfight. Get out of here, you fat bastard!”

He flinched then turned and bolted out the front door. He missed a step and crashed to the ground before lumbering to his feet and rushing to his Suburban. He screeched out of my driveway and tore down our street in a panic I’d never thought Bam was capable of.

What exciting project are you working on next?
Besides guest blogging for some other writers, I will begin outlining book two in my Jinx Curry mystery series mid-August.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I’ve always considered myself a writer. I manually published my first book as a kindergartner. Long story. Although I self-published the Kept series of novellas, I considered myself an author after completing All Money Ain’t Good Money. I just have a special feeling about this novel.

Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your workday like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I do not write full time because I am a full-time graduate student in Creative Writing at Southern New Hampshire University. However, I just dropped down to part time last term and this coming term because of my anticipated writing schedule and because I review books for my website. My last two core classes are literature classes. So, I’ve had all the reading I can stomach.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I write while watching MSNBC. I know. I know. How can I write while watching television? Easily. And sometimes I get ideas for dialogue while doing it.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
As a child, I wanted to write books when I grew up. I’m fulfilling my dream!

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The paperback format of All Money Ain’t Good Money is available exclusively on author Tracey Lampley’s website. To order your paperback visit

tour banner for all money ain't good

Blog Tour Calendar
August 12th @ The Muffin
Join us as we celebrate the launch of Tracey Lampley’s novel All Money Ain’t Good Money. Read an interview with the author and enter to win a copy of her book.

August 14th @ Words by Webb
Stop by for today’s review of All Money Ain’t Good Money – a Jinx Curry Mystery.

August 16th @ My Beauty My Books
Want a fun read for the weekend? Check out the spotlight on All Money Ain’t Good Money by Tracey Lampley.

August 17th @ Writer Advice
Novelist Tracey Lampley shares her thoughts on the value of planting a red herring.

August 19 HERE!

August 21st @ Chapter Break
Tracey Lampley, who writes about private investigator Jinx Curry, posts about why we all love a flawed protagonist.

August 22nd @ Knotty Needle
The Knotty Needle will be reviewing All Money Ain’t Good Money by Tracey Lampley.

August 22nd @ Book Room Reviews
Stop by for a surprise guest post by Tracey Lampley, author of All Money Ain’t Good Money.

August 24th @  Author Anthony Avina
Learn how Tracey Lampley made the Leap from Novella to Novel in today’s guest post plus a review of All Money Ain’t Good Money by Anthony Avina.

August 28th @ Create Write Now
In today’s spotlight, learn more about the first Jinx Curry mystery: All Money Ain’t Good Money.

August 30th @ Choices
Tracey Lampley, author of All Money Ain’t Good Money, is telling us the six authors she’d like to invite for a dinner party in today’s guest post.

August 31st @ A Wonderful World of Words
Novelist Tracey Lampley writes about what her life was like before she began writing today at Wonderful World of Words.

September 3rd @ StoreyBook Reviews
Drop by for a review of All Money Ain’t Good Money by Tracey Lampley.

September 4th @  Author Anthony Avina
Enjoy Anthony Avina’s review of All Money Ain’t Good Money by Tracey Lampley.

September 5 @ Word Magic
Tracey Lampley, author of All Money Ain’t Good Money, is writing about life with her canine buddy Neo.

September 6th @ A Story Book World
Looking for a new novel? Today’s spotlight is on All Money Ain’t Good Money by Tracey Lampley.

September 7 @ Boys’ Mom Reads!
Tracey Lampley’s All Money Ain’t Good Money is reviewed today by Karen of Boys’ Mom Reads.

September 9th @ Nikki’s Book Reviews
Along with a review of All Money Ain’t Good Money, author Tracey Lampley will be posting about what she likes best about Live Sports Events.

September 12th @ Reading Is My Remedy
Struggle with what your characters should say? Author Tracey Lampley’s guest post is about writing realistic dialogue. They’ll also be a review of her novel All Money Ain’t Good Money.

September 14th @ That’s So Nitra
Learn the difference between Macro editing and Micro editing with the help of Tracey Lampley.

September 15th @ Boots, Shoes and Fashion
In today’s interview, learn more about Tracey Lampley, author of the first book in the Jinx Curry mystery series: All Money Ain’t Good Money.

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