Interview with inspirational writer Candy Wolff

Writer Candy Wolff helps me wrap up the week by chatting about her new faith and inspirational book, Lost and Found in Mexico; A Widow’s Road to Recovery

cover for lost and found in mexico

Candy Wolff, a mother of three grown boys, is not only a hardworking woman but also an inspirational speaker. Her journey took an unexpected turn during a much-needed vacation to Mexico with her husband. Seeking reconnection after navigating health concerns, financial difficulties, and depression, Candy discovered more than she had bargained for. In her compelling story, Candy shares a poignant narrative of tragedy and, with the grace of God, a triumphant journey from being lost to found in the heart of Mexico. Her experiences serve as a testament to resilience, faith, and the transformative power of hope.

Welcome, Candy. Please tell us about your current release.
I’m thrilled to share that my debut book, Lost and Found in Mexico, hit the shelves on May 30th, 2024! It’s been a whirlwind year of writing and editing, and finally seeing it in print fills me with a mix of nerves and excitement.

Lost and Found in Mexico is a reflection of my own journey, which began with the sudden loss of my husband while we were vacationing in Cabo for my 50th birthday. I share how my faith helped me navigate those difficult days and the challenges of dealing with the loss in a foreign country. From there, the book delves into my return home and the struggles of becoming a single mom, compounded by the financial turmoil I discovered upon my arrival back from Cabo.

As a new author, I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity to share my story with the world. I poured my heart into Lost and Found in Mexico and I can’t wait to hear what readers think of it.

What inspired you to write this book?
The spark for this book ignited in the depths of my own personal journey, a journey marked by the heart-wrenching loss of my husband. In the aftermath of his passing, I found myself thrust into a whirlwind of emotions, grappling not only with the weight of grief but also with the harsh reality of our depleted finances. Yet, amid the chaos, it was my faith that provided a glimmer of hope, guiding me through the darkest moments.

Driven by a desire to ease the burden for others facing similar trials, I embarked on the writing of this book. My goal is simple: to share the lessons I’ve learned and the insights I’ve gained in the hopes of offering comfort and guidance to those who find themselves on a similar journey. By arming readers with practical advice and preparing them for the inevitable challenges that accompany loss, I aim to empower them to focus on the healing process without the added stress of financial uncertainty.

In essence, this book is a beacon of light in the darkness, offering reassurance and companionship to those traversing the difficult path of grief. It is my sincerest hope that by sharing my story, I can help others find solace and strength in their own journeys toward healing and renewal.

What exciting project are you working on next?
For my next endeavor, I’m embarking on the creation of an online program aimed at guiding individuals through crucial financial conversations. Inspired by my own journey, where I realized the importance of financial literacy after relying on my husband to manage our finances in a traditional marriage, I am passionate about equipping others with the knowledge they need to navigate these discussions.

Too often, individuals find themselves in the same situation I once faced—unprepared and unaware of their financial circumstances—until they are suddenly thrust into a position of having to manage everything alone. My goal is to prevent others from experiencing this sense of helplessness by providing them with the tools and resources necessary to have open and honest conversations about money matters.

I’m excited to embark on this journey of empowerment and education, and I look forward to helping others avoid the pitfalls that I encountered through my own experiences.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I didn’t truly consider myself a writer until I handed over my manuscript to my line editor. It was at that moment that reality sank in—I had actually written a manuscript. Until then, I had doubts and uncertainties about whether I could truly call myself a writer. But seeing my words laid out on the page, ready for polishing and refinement, was a powerful validation of my identity as an author. It was a moment of clarity and affirmation that I’ll always cherish.

Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your workday like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I’m not currently a full-time writer; my primary role is as a full-time Event Manager for XGolf Minnesota, where I oversee operations across our six locations. Juggling this responsibility with my writing endeavors requires careful time management. I dedicate evenings, weekends, and any available pockets of time to my writing passion. It’s a balancing act, but I’m committed to nurturing my craft and sharing my stories despite the demands of my day job. Finding this balance allows me to pursue both my career and my creative pursuits with equal enthusiasm.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I try to capture the essence of storytelling, by seamlessly transitioning between the present moment and reflective insights, I believe this adds depth and complexity to the narrative. I tried to immerse the readers in the immediacy of my story while providing valuable perspective on its unfolding over time. I want the reader to contemplate the significance of past experiences in shaping the present. I felt this would be a compelling approach that enriches the narrative of my story.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
As a child, my dream was to become a Physical Education teacher. I’ve always had a passion for fitness and sports, and the idea of sharing that enthusiasm with others through teaching appealed to me from a young age.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I’d love for readers to visit my website and download the free playbook I’ve created. It’s designed to help them initiate important conversations with their spouse and prepare an emergency binder. My goal is to make the process as seamless as possible, providing valuable resources to ensure they’re equipped for any situation.

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