Interview with award-winning author John R. Miles

Best-selling author John R. Miles chat with me about his new non-fiction, young adult book, Passion Struck: Twelve Powerful Principles to Unlock Your Purpose and Ignite Your Most Intentional Life.

book cover for Passion Struck: Twelve Powerful Principles to Unlock Your Purpose and Ignite Your Most Intentional Life.

John R. Miles is the visionary behind Passion Struck®, a platform dedicated to empowering individuals to live intentionally and achieve their highest potential. A former U.S. Navy officer and Fortune 50 executive, John is now a bestselling, award-winning author, sought-after speaker, and host of the top-ranked Passion Struck podcast, with over 25 million downloads. His work focuses on helping people unlock their purpose, overcome life’s challenges, and embrace transformation. Through his teachings, John inspires others to lead lives marked by growth, impact, and personal fulfillment, making profound contributions to both their communities and the wider world.

Welcome, John. Please tell us about your current release.
My latest book, Passion Struck: Twelve Powerful Principles to Unlock Your Purpose and Ignite Your Most Intentional Life, explores the essence of living a life driven by passion, perseverance, and intentionality. With insights from inspiring figures like Oprah Winfrey and Astronaut Chris Cassidy, I introduce twelve science-based principles that are designed to awaken the dormant potential within each of us. This book is a guide to overcoming self-doubt, sparking personal growth, and committing to a life of unwavering intention. It has been recognized as a must-read for 2024 by the Next Big Idea Club, shortlisted for the Eric Hoffer Grand Prize, a Finalist for the First Horizon Award, and is the recipient of The Best Business Minds Book Award for 2024.

What inspired you to write this book?
I wrote Passion Struck out of a deep desire to address the widespread feeling of “unmattering” that so many people experience today. Watching friends, colleagues, and strangers struggle with feelings of insignificance, despite their accomplishments, drove me to investigate how living intentionally and passionately can transform lives. My own experiences, overcoming personal and professional challenges, including severe injuries as a combat veteran, have reinforced the transformative power of intentionality. “Passion Struck” is my effort to pass on these insights, providing a blueprint for others to ignite their passion and live purposefully.

What exciting project are you working on next?
Looking ahead, I am thrilled to bring the transformative message of Passion Struck to global audiences through keynotes and interactive workshops. My goal is to make the principles of the book more engaging and actionable, helping individuals embark on their journey toward intentional living.

Simultaneously, I am developing an online training platform, which I envision as a comprehensive ‘Passion Struck University.’ This digital academy will delve deeper into the concepts of the book, providing courses, resources, and community support to empower participants to unlock their potential and embrace their authentic selves.

The “Passion Struck” podcast will also continue to be a key avenue for extending the book’s reach and impact. By exploring themes of personal mastery, resilience, and purposeful living, the podcast will offer listeners worldwide fresh insights, practical advice, and ongoing inspiration.

Behind the scenes, I am exploring ideas for my next writing project. While “Passion Struck” remains my primary focus, the journey of personal transformation is continually evolving, and I am committed to further enriching this crucial dialogue through future books and projects.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I’ve always been captivated by the magic of storytelling—its power to forge connections, stir emotions, and spark change. My foray into writing was a seamless extension of my deep-seated love for communication and my ambition to profoundly impact the lives of others. Initially, my writing served as a personal sanctuary—a space to sift through experiences, flesh out ideas, and share the wisdom gleaned from my roles in leadership, coaching, and public speaking.

headshot photo of author John R miles

The leap from personal musings to becoming a published author was fueled by the realization that the lessons I’ve learned—especially those from overcoming adversity and committing to a life of intention—could profoundly touch and uplift others. This revelation birthed “Passion Struck,” a synthesis of my life’s stories, rigorous research, and enlightening discussions with luminaries across diverse fields. Writing then transformed for me; it became more than just self-expression—it became a mission to empower others to unleash their potential and embrace lives marked by purpose, passion, and authenticity.

Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your workday like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I don’t write full-time; I’m deeply involved in various activities beyond writing. As the founder of Passion Struck, I focus on creating content and tools that empower individuals to lead more intentional and purpose-driven lives. This includes hosting the Passion Struck podcast, where I engage with various thought leaders and share insights on personal and professional growth. I also develop courses, conduct workshops, and deliver keynote speeches to expand the reach and impact of my work.

Despite these demands, I meticulously carve out time for writing, which I integrate into my daily routine as a fundamental part of my mission to inspire and educate others. My typical workday includes dedicated blocks for writing, balanced with managing my podcast, interacting with my audience on social media, and preparing content for my speaking engagements. This disciplined approach allows me to stay productive and continue contributing to meaningful conversations around passion, resilience, and transformation.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
One interesting writing quirk I have is that I often use physical movement to help me think and overcome writer’s block. Whether it’s a quick walk, a run, or even just some light stretching, getting my body moving seems to stimulate my mind and helps the ideas flow more freely. This physical activity not only re-energizes me but also allows me to approach challenges from new angles, enhancing my creativity and productivity when I return to the desk. It’s a vital part of my writing process, intertwining the physical and mental aspects of creativity to keep both my body and narrative moving.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
As a child, I was deeply inspired by the idea of exploration and adventure, which led me to dream about becoming an astronaut. The thought of traveling to space, exploring the unknown, and seeing Earth from a completely different perspective fascinated me. This early interest in exploration and pushing boundaries has been a theme throughout my life, manifesting in my dedication to exploring human potential and helping others unlock their own pathways to personal and professional growth.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
Yes, I’d like to share that my journey—both personal and professional—has taught me the immense power of resilience and the importance of living intentionally. Each challenge we face is not just an obstacle, but an opportunity to learn, grow, and refine our purpose. I encourage everyone to embrace their struggles as catalysts for transformation. Remember, you have the potential to shape a fulfilling and impactful life; it starts with a single step of intentional action. Never underestimate the power of small, consistent steps to create significant change. Let’s embark on this journey of intentional living together, transforming challenges into stepping stones for success.

Be sure to visit John’s website, check out his podcast, and connect with him on Facebook, Instagram, and Threads. Also, YouTube.

Thanks for being here today, John!

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