Author Lori Keesey chats with me about her new contemporary women’s fiction, Always Think of Me.

Writing Always Think of Me was cathartic for author Lori Keesey. She needed to make sense of why her first-born child died tragically in 2018. Developing this novel helped her work through her grief and help answer questions about life’s meaning.
Through her blog, The Accidental Blogger on, Lori celebrates ordinary people who’ve faced and triumphed over adversity in their lives. Her stories are designed to offer hope, and as she says, “doesn’t everyone need a little of that?”
Over her 40-year career, Lori Keesey has written for daily newspapers and trade publications and her freelance work has appeared in regional and trade magazines, specifically those specializing in space exploration. Yes, Lori was a space junkie, and worked for NASA in public outreach for nearly 20 years.
In addition to writing Always Think of Me, Lori has also authored two short stories (also available on “The Note” and “Robert’s Prayer” both address trauma and the repercussions of not coming to acceptance in the grieving process. She also writes a monthly letter, Something to Chew On, which is delivered exclusively to email subscribers.
She graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park, with a B.S. in journalism. There she met Kevin Berry, whom she married in 1980. She is the mother of three boys and one dog, Georgie, who makes an appearance in Always Think of Me.
When not reading or writing, Lori volunteers, most recently for a nonprofit organization that was dedicated to restoring mothers who’d lost custody of their children due to the trauma in their own lives.
A devout porch sitter, nothing makes her happier than looking at her view of the Chilhowee Mountains and Smoky Mountain National Park.
Born in Washington, D.C., Lori now calls Walland, Tennessee, home.
Welcome, Lori. Please tell us about your current release.
Always Think of Me involves a party boy, TC, who meets a deeply traumatized woman, Ginny, at an outdoor music festival. When their budding relationship ends abruptly, TC figures he’ll never see her again. But then he does. Just not in the way he expected. He’s on an otherworldly mission to see her again. But that means overcoming his own doubts and stopping her from doing the unthinkable.
What inspired you to write this book?
I’d always wanted to write at least one novel, but the story never came. As mentioned in the bio, my son died in a tragic accident. To overcome my grief, I started contemplating life’s meaning and how we all have special jobs that only we can do. That understanding formed the basis for this novel.
Excerpt from Always Think of Me:
Sometimes love gives you a second chance. Sometimes it doesn’t. And sometimes it returns in a way you could never imagine. Always Think of Me is an uncommon love story about friendship and do-overs and features a perspective on life that could set us free.
What exciting project are you working on next? I’ll always write my blog, The Accidental Blogger, and monthly letters to subscribers; however, I want to concentrate on writing short stories. Perhaps an anthology! Maybe another novel!
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
Interesting question. I always knew I wanted to be a writer and was. I started my career as a newspaper reporter and freelance magazine writer, and then switched gears to become a communication consultant for NASA.
Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your workday like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I try to write every day. But I need to recharge my batteries. This summer, I want to hop into my husband’s Ford F-150 and drive across the country. I want to meet people and see the country while I still can. Who knows? Maybe the people I meet will end in a piece of fiction.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I’m not the type to just write. I obsess over every word and can’t move on until I’m satisfied. Not sure it’s a quirk, but it is annoying.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A writer.
Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I think that’s it. More info is available on my website.
Hi, this is Lori Keesey. I’m an extrovert and get energy by interacting with others. So if you have a question, fire away. I’ll be popping by Lisa’s website periodically to see what you have. Don’t be shy!