Novelist Margarita Barresi chats with me today about her new historical fiction, A Delicate Marriage.

Margarita is in the midst of a virtual book tour with Wow! Women on Writing. I invite you to check out some of her other tour stops to learn more about her and her writing. The calendar is listed below the interview.
A native Puerto Rican, Margarita Barresi writes historical fiction and essays about growing up on the island. She studied public relations at Boston University and had a successful 25-year career in marketing communications. Her work has been published in several journals and anthologies. A Delicate Marriage is her debut novel. Margarita lives in the Boston suburbs with her husband and two Puerto Rican cats, Luna and Rico.
Welcome Margarita. Please tell us about your current release.
A Delicate Marriage is historical fiction set in 1930s to 1950s Puerto Rico, 40 years after becoming a U.S. colony, and a time of great change on the island. The story follows a wealthy debutante whose marriage to a poor but ambitious man is challenged by the island’s political volatility, her husband’s shifting moral compass, and the temptation of an intriguing journalist. The novel explores class, oppression, and the effects of colonialism through the lens of a marriage. It asks the question, “Should this marriage, like the union between Puerto Rico and the U.S., continue?”
What inspired you to write this book?
My grandparents’ courtship inspired the novel as did a desire to tell the story of Puerto Rico. I grew up hearing about how my great-grandfather did everything in his power to keep my grandparents apart while they were dating. He did not approve of this poor so-and-so going after his wealthy daughter. His efforts were relentless, but true love won out. Because their courtship took place in the 1930s, I was also able to weave what was happening on the island at the time from a historic perspective. Americans, and even many Puerto Ricans, know very little about Puerto Rican history, particularly how the island became part of the U.S. and what consequences that affiliation has had through the years.
What exciting project are you working on next?
While conducting research for A Delicate Marriage, I learned that doctors tested the original birth control pill on low-income women in Puerto Rico without disclosing it was a drug trial. That’s the historic marker for the book I’m working on now.
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
Writing has always been a strength, but I was not brave enough to pursue a career in creative writing in my 20s. Instead, my career began in journalism and moved into marketing communications, so I wrote extensively for work. I certainly considered myself a writer. I wasn’t a creative writer, but I was a writer.

Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your workday like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I freelance as a copyeditor and writer, which gives me the flexibility to accept paid assignments that accommodate my personal writing goals. I don’t like to break up my days between the two. Typically, I’ll freelance for two or three days each week and work on my own writing during the other days. I like to work for extended periods of time, and when I’m writing creatively, my most productive hours are between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. But no matter what the day holds, I start with a strong cup of coffee while I try to conquer the New York Times Spelling Bee and other word games.
What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I’ve never heeded the advice to write creatively every day. I don’t believe in that. If I sit down to write and the words aren’t flowing, I stop. I’ll work on other writing-related tasks, like conducting research for my book, reading about craft, or catching up on industry news. Writing usually comes naturally to me, so if it’s not—for whatever reason—then why struggle?
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I distinctly remember learning about the Mayan and Incan ancient civilizations in third grade and wanting to become an archeologist.
Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I always encourage readers to diversify. If you tend to read fantasy, try historical fiction. If you only read romances, try science fiction. Read books by BIPOC or LGTBQ authors to get perspectives that may differ from your own. Joining a book club is a good way to read books you normally wouldn’t. Some of my favorite reads have come from book club choices I wouldn’t have made on my own.
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Blog Tour Calendar
November 10th @ The Muffin
Join us as we celebrate the blog tour launch of A Delicate Marriage by Margarita Barresi. You’ll have the chance to read an interview with the author and win a copy of the book.
November 12th @ World of My Imagination
Stop by to read Nicole’s review of A Delicate Marriage.
November 14th @ Michelle Cornish’s blog
Read a guest post by Margarita Barresi about the evolution of her writing process.
November 16th @ Deborah Adams’s blog
Check out Deborah’s spotlight of A Delicate Marriage, read a guest post about Puerto Rico by Margarita Barresi, and enter a giveaway.
November 17th @ A Story Book World
Visit Deirdra’s blog to view a spotlight of A Delicate Marriage.
November 19th @ What is That Book About?
Stop by Michelle’s blog while she spotlights A Delicate Marriage.
November 20th @ Author Anthony Avina’s blog
Check out Anthony’s blog where he shares a spotlight of A Delicate Marriage.
November 21st HERE!
November 23rd @ World of My Imagination
Return to Nicole’s blog to read a guest post by Margarita Barresi about writing based on reality.
November 25th @ Boots, Shoes & Fashion
Join Linda as she interviews author Margarita Barresi.
November 27th @ Author Michelle Cornish’s blog
Stop by to read Michelle’s review of A Delicate Marriage.
November 30th @ The Knotty Needle
Visit Judy’s blog to read a review of A Delicate Marriage.
December 2nd @ Reading is My Remedy
Stop by Chelsie’s Instagram to read her review of A Delicate Marriage.
December 4th @ Author Anthony Avina’s blog
Check out Anthony’s blog where he shares a guest post by Margarita Barresi about writing historical fiction.
December 5th @ Nikki’s Book Reviews
Stop by to read Nicole’s review of A Delicate Marriage.
December 6th @ StoreyBook Reviews
Join Leslie as she spotlights A Delicate Marriage and shares a guest post by Margarita Barresi about writing characters based on people you know.