Interview with Christian author Monica Broussard

Today’s special guest is debut author Monica Broussard to chat about her new metaphysical, visionary, Christian novel, 21 Tattoos.

Writer, speaker, and certified life coach Monica Broussard is passionate about writing fiction that contains elements of fantasy and keeps the reader intrigued about the lead character’s motives. She also writes an occasional article for her hometown’s magazine, SeaCliff Living. She belongs to Toastmasters International and enjoys attending national writers’ conferences.

Born in North Carolina on a Marine Corps base, Monica now lives in “Surf City,” Huntington Beach, California, with her husband of thirty-seven years. She has enjoyed various occupations over the years, but her favorite job is the one she’s doing now—writing.

Twenty-One Tattoos is her debut novel. For more about her writing, visit her website.

Welcome, Monica. Please tell us about your current release.
It is about a Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Derek Hollinger, who wakes up one morning covered head to toe in tattoos. When people decide to get a tattoo, it is usually for a personal reason. It might have to do with a memorial for someone they loved, or for something they belong to like the military or some type of sports, the reasons and meanings are unlimited. But in Derek’s case he not only has to figure out how the tattoos came to be but what they mean and how to get rid of them. It is a total reversal of the process. It sends him on a life journey reflecting on his past, examining his present and preparing for his future.

What inspired you to write this book?
I became serious during the time I was taking Chemo for Stage 3 Breast Cancer, and I was locked down because my immune system was low. I had a few reasons to start, I had the time and If I didn’t survive it at least I had done something I always wanted to do- Write a Book!

What exciting project are you working on next?
I will finish the Tattoo Series. I am in the process of launching book #1.The second book is going into editing and the third book is 80% finished.  Each book’s storyline builds on the other. The first book starts out with the life changing event of Derek being covered in tattoos and his head nurse and manager Kendal helping him. By Book Two (my next release) Derek and Kendal have lost some of the ground they had gained in their relationship, but the lessons learned help them to grow stronger in their convictions. More Characters are introduced in book two. By book three Derek begins to answer the questions that have been plaguing him in order to solve the mystery as to how and why he has the tattoos and possibly how to permanently get rid of them.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
When I started writing as a contributing writer to a local magazine, people around town started telling me how much they like my stories. That made me realize my writing could offer entertainment value to people.

Do you write full-time?
Not yet but I am working on it.

What’s your workday like?
I get up between 3:30 am and 4:30 a.m. to make sure I get at least a couple hours of writing in and work on the marketing for my book.

What do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I do the marketing for my husband’s company Doctor J Automotive in Huntington Beach as well. When I wake early it is an uninterrupted time and my mind seems to be clear. In fact, sometimes I start writing in my sleep and I have to get up and get it down on paper while it is still clear in my mind.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I transport into the world I write about. When I used to drive to work, I would ask my characters what they were up to today and the scene would start playing out in my head. It was like being engrossed in a movie. On weekends I would then write down the scenes that had played out in my mind during the week.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A veterinarian. My third-grade teacher read us the book Doctor Doolittle and I could see myself connecting with the animals. In high school I worked for a veterinarian, and it was heartbreaking to see animals put to sleep for behavioral issues or injured by cars. The job was not what I thought it would be. I quickly became disillusioned. I gave up the dream and really didn’t find another one until I started writing seriously. I had always been an avid reader and have had a strong imagination. I continued to educate myself and in recent years feel prepared to share it with others.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I look for Readers who recognize that the world holds much more wonder than is evident to the average eye. I would like to appeal to those who enjoy tales with a supernatural feel but without leaving the real world… I believe we only need to look past what is seen by our physical eyes to see how magical life can be.

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4 thoughts on “Interview with Christian author Monica Broussard

  1. Patrick says:

    The concept of waking up one day involuntarily covered with tattoo’s – which are such personal symbols of meaning for most – is horrifying. I’m definitely intrigued and will have to read these books.

  2. Barbara G.Sdao says:

    I am just starting on the book will read it over Thanksgiving.Monica is a good speaker and Author,She is just getting started,,She will go far.

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