Interview with horror author Armand Rosamilia

Dark fiction author Armand Rosamilia joins me today to chat about his new horror novel, High on Bigfoot.

book cover for high on bigfoot

Armand Rosamilia is a New Jersey boy currently living in sunny Florida, where he writes when he’s not sleeping. He’s happily married to a woman who helps his career and is supportive, which is all he ever wanted in life…

He’s written over 200 stories that are currently available, including crime thrillers, supernatural thrillers, horror, zombies, contemporary fiction, nonfiction and more. His goal is to write a good story and not worry about genre labels.

He also loves to talk in third person… because he’s really that cool. Maybe.

Please tell us about your current release.
High on Bigfoot is a fun monster romp, like the movies we watched in our youth on a Saturday afternoon. A Bigfoot and an illegal marijuana growing compound set on a mountain. What could go wrong?

What inspired you to write this book?
I’m a fan of cheesy monster books. I’m also not a believer in Bigfoot and not into marijuana. But a mashup of the two things got my interest, and the publisher as well.

What exciting project are you working on next?
I am always working on several projects, whether short stories, novellas or novels. I mostly write crime thrillers and horror, but I’ve dabbled in many genres over the years.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I had my first story published 35 years ago, when I was still in high school. I’d been writing since I was twelve but had never taken it seriously. I think once I saw my first story published in a zine (you kids look that up) it is all I’ve ever wanted to do. Twelve years ago I finally got to the point where I could go full-time and earn a living as a writer.

Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your workday like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
Yep, twelve years able to pay the bills doing this writing thing. I try to have a loose schedule each day, which revolves around writing actual words, doing social media, emails, interviews like this, podcasts, drinking gallons of coffee and blasting music all day. It is living the dream.

photo image of author armand rosamilia

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
Interesting? Not sure. I have piles of Post-It notes all over my desk and monitors. I am constantly moving them, rearranging them and tossing some out each day. I spend way too much time worrying about them.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A writer. Seriously. Twelve years old I started reading Dean Koontz books. That was it for me. Simple as that.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I am truly blessed to be able to write fun books and pay my bills thanks to a lot of great readers out there. Thank you!

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