Interview with memoirist Jessica Johnson Glover

Writer Jessica Johnson Glover is helping me wrap up the week by chatting about her memoir, Far From Crazy – Success In Sanity: My Unashamed Truth.

Jessica Johnson Glover is an author, speaker, mental health advocate, and realtor. She  earned a Bachelor’s degree in psychology from Clark Atlanta University.

After twenty years of living successfully with a mental illness, Jessica realized she possessed the skills and knowledge to help people who silently suffer from mental illnesses. Purposely, Jessica established and founded The Success In Sanity Society (SISS), an accountability tribe for those who are unashamed and ready to successfully maintain their sanity. In this community, Jessica conducts monthly virtual meetings that help individuals successfully manage mental illness and live the lives of their dreams. With the assistance of the SISS network professionals, Jessica and her team offer expertise, resources, and skills that are needed to not only be successful BUT remain sane.

In 2022, she published her inspirational memoir, “Far From Crazy…Success In Sanity: My Unashamed Truth.” Her literary work audaciously details her mental illness journey. Readers get an in-depth account of how mental illness impacted her and her entire family. Her story of tragedy and triumph proves that anyone suffering with a mental illness can be successful when they accept their reality and establish a medication regimen that works for them! This is Jessica’s proven formula for success: Accept, Medicate, Thrive, Repeat!

Jessica is married to her soulmate, Gerald L. Glover, a mortgage professional. They reside in sunny Jacksonville, Florida. Her moments of purposeful self care include: spending  time with her family and friends, listening to gospel music, getting pampered, and binge watching some of her favorite television shows with her husband.

What genre are you inspired to write in the most? Why?
I am most inspired to write in the mental health genre because of my own personal journey from mental illness to mental wellness. I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder in January of 2003. After going through very challenging times, I am now on the other side in a wonderful place. I feel that it is now my life’s mission to help families that have loved ones facing similar challenges. I want my work to be a resource to others and help family members and friends assist their loved one in crossing over to a fulfilled life of mental wellness.

What exciting project are you working on next?
I am starting work on practical ebooks for families supporting those faced with various mental illnesses. I will offer them to the public and to my tribe that will subscribe to the Success In Sanity Society. The society can be found at

When did you first consider yourself a writer?

I began to enjoy writing in my senior year of high school in my favorite teacher, Matilda Bagby’s classroom. She helped me learn to give color to a story with my words. During that time, I also discovered the work of Maya Angelou and Susan Taylor. I didn’t know what I would write about, but I knew that one day I would have a book that could be found “everywhere books are sold”!

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Growing up I wanted to be an attorney. I loved the idea of going to work to defend others and speaking publicly everyday. Life took me on a different path, but one of my favorite television shows to watch daily is Judge Judy.  I find myself talking to the television at the plaintiff and defendant trying to help them prove their cases. I enjoy order and I am a rule follower so law is definitely something that interests me.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
In addition to writing, I am working on my Signature Talk with my speaking coach, Kelly Charles-Collins of Speaker Moguls. My goal is to speak to mental health professional organizations and other mental health organizations regarding ways to improve helping patients from my personal experience. The goal is to impact the world!

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