Interview with Dr. Marcia Ann Mims Coppertino

Today’s special guest is Dr Marcia Ann Mims Coppertino to chat about her upcoming self-help book, The Power of Rejection. (It’s releasing in June 2023.)

Welcome, Marcia. Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
I invite everyone to visit for my comprehensive bio! (also shown in image)

Please tell us about your current release.
In addition to my other books, Cancer, Who He Is and Why He Cannot Be Killed, 21 Days with the Mistress of King Midas, and Children Can Be Everything….my current book, The Power of Rejection, is a true eye opener. There are many talented, educated, and healthy individuals walking around today living in poverty and disdain all because they cannot seem to understand the elements of early childhood rejection and its stronghold on success. The book explains how the internal forces of rejection and an early unloved household has shaped them into the rejects they are today. Shatter the rejectors in one’s life and the rest is history of success.

What inspired you to write this book?
So many wonderful clients came to me asking, Dr C., what is wrong with me? I have this, I have that, I am sought out all over the world but inside I feel like a failure, like I am not authentic, like I do not deserve what I have. What is wrong?

They do not realize that they have been marked as a person who was never given a chance to grow early into life as a meaningful, loved, cherished, understood, cared for and about into adulthood. Words of negativity, hatred, and shame turned into rejection and has caused inner turmoil and chaos blocking the full bloom of the soul. I also bear the scars of rejection, but the ideas in the book caused me to rise above early childhood rejection by studying the personalities of the rejectors and conquering their broken and vile spirits. I won, they lost.

What exciting project are you working on next?
The book, Back to the Woodshed is due January 2024. It stems from the 1920’s whenever a child erred in some way, Daddy would say…oh, ok….back to the woodshed for a spanking or an almost slaughter. Before our parents could almost murder our soul, our spirit and tear us up to the point of flesh and blood destruction, somewhere in our psych we developed a new personality and internal friend yelling within for us to switch the reel. We could not die, there was no escape, nowhere to run. We endured, but not through our own sakes. Our brains split in two and who we became is scary all but except for hope.

When did you first consider yourself as a writer?
At age 3. Mother said all the time….give Lu Lu a pencil and paper. See what comes out of her! Ha ha ha

Do you write full time?
No, 20 hours a week is all I can squeeze in 

Interesting writing quirk?

(I put everything into sentence case so readers can read the interview.)

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A doctor, always. Took a lot of turns, too.

Anything else to share with readers?
When they say no….allow your heart to say yes! If the heart has given you your desires, follow it! And it alone!

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