Interview with children’s author Monique Roy

book cover of laurels marvelous kingdomChildren’s author Monique Roy joins me today to chat about Laurel’s Marvelous Kingdom.

During her virtual book tour, Monique will be giving away a hard copy of the book to a lucky randomly drawn winner. To be entered for a chance to win, use the form below To increase your chances of winning, feel free to visit her other tour stops and enter there, too!

Monique Roy is the author of four books, including Laurel’s Marvelous Kingdom. She has also written a children’s book named Once Upon a Time in Venice, as well as two historical novels called Across Great Divides and A Savage Kultur. She is also a freelance writer. Monique resides in Dallas with her husband and son.

Welcome, Monique. Please tell us about your current release.
When the wicked witch of the land snatches up Princess Astrid, her sister, Princess Laurel, realizes it will take more than her plant-growing superpowers to rescue her. With the help of a handsome prince, Laurel rides deep into the dark forest in search of the witch’s den.

To her horror, Laurel discovers that Astrid is jealous of her superpowers, and has teamed up with the witch to weaken Laurel’s powers. Now, Laurel must convince Astrid to abandon her evil ways and return to goodness — before the witch and Astrid shed harm onto the kingdom.

This fairy tale story will enliven the imagination of children with a little witchy fun in between. The story teaches children about what makes us unique, appreciating your special characteristics, and doing what you love.

What inspired you to write this book?
Laurel’s Marvelous Kingdom was an inspiration to write as it embodies some fairy-tale elements. The story is magical and takes place in a far-away land. It has princesses and a handsome prince, as well as a happy ending. I also enjoyed writing a fun story for children with an important message.


Excerpt from Laurel’s Marvelous Kingdom:
A young, beautiful princess named Laurel lived in a marvelous kingdom where steep, gray mountains touched the clouds and a long, zigzagging river flowed around forests. She was more than a pretty princess who dwelled in a giant castle. Laurel possessed a magical power—with a single touch of her hand or a single tear from her eyes, she could make trees grow, flowers blossom, and plants flourish. Her name signified the beauty all the trees, plants, and flowers gave to the Earth. She was greatly admired by all, except a few who were jealous and evil.


What exciting project are you working on next?
I have started to write another historical novel. It’s in the early stages.

headshot of monique royWhen did you first consider yourself a writer?
I studied journalism in college and that is probably when I considered myself a writer, a young writer that was ready to learn and evolve.

Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your workday like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I write when my son is at school and I also focus my time on freelance work. You need to put aside time to focus on your writing, whether its 10 minutes a day or a few hours.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I am not into doing outlines. I just kind of go for it.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a news anchor and television journalist like Diane Sawyer.

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