Interview with Marla J. Albertie, M.Ed.

cover for the ultimate brag bookWriter Marla J. Albertie, M.Ed. joins me today to chat about her new non-fiction workbook, The Ultimate Bragbook: 100 questions about how awesome you are.

Marla is doing a virtual book tour with WOW! Women on Writing. Check out the schedule below and visit other tour stops to learn more about her and her works.

Marla J. Albertie has lived on board a United States carrier therefore, she feels she is unstoppable. As a native of Jacksonville, Florida she loves to read, travel, and shop. Many of her travels have been on cruises as she has taken 16 thus far. Marla believes life is a journey and we all can create the life we want so why not; you only live this life once. She has a passion to see growth in peoples’ lives and wants others to pay it forward.

As an energetic visionary, she is the owner and founder of the TruthSpeaksGroup LLC , a multimedia company that creates strategies and solutions for work-life integration/harmony (WLI/H). She is also the founder of I/O for Teens Inc., (a skill, confidence, and career building organization teaching teens how to achieve their dreams based on a science of human behavior.) MJA Notary Services LLC., MJA Publishing LLC., and JEMA Holdings LLC.

Marla doesn’t believe in work-life balance as she believes all areas of our lives can be integrated and we can create harmony in our lives by means of I/O Psychology and Positive Psychology methodologies.

Marla’s mantra is to #TeachTrainEducate working woman who desire to understand their truth and live a life of success defined on their own terms.

Marla is a certified professional career, executive, and life coach, trainer APTD (Associate Professional in Training and Development), Certified Chief Happiness Officer, Certified Positive Psychology Practitioner, Director of HR, Instructor, of Psychology, Amazon Best Selling author, and has over 25 years of business, coaching, and training experience.

Marla holds a Master of Education in Adult Education, Bachelor of Applied Science in Supervision and Management, and an Associates of Science in Financial Services. She is currently pursuing her PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Marla loves speaking, teaching, and writing. Among the many ventures she is involved in here are just a few: The founder of the Motivational Movement K.I.M. (Keep it Moving), Truth Speaks Academy, an annual Women’s Empowerment Conference. I.M.A.G.IN.E. (I’M Awesome Growing IN Excellence), YouTube Channel featuring the talk show Creating Your Career with Marla J. Albertie which has 36 episodes, and blog She has also published two books and co-authored a third.

Marla is an active member of the Junior League of Jacksonville, ATD, SIOP, SHRM, Blacks in I/O, APA, ICF, and IPPA.

When she is not trying to save the world, Marla loves a good story and frequents the movies to eat her favorite movie snack, nachos. She loves spending time with her family and friends cruising, shopping, and reading.

Welcome, Marla. Please tell us about your current release.
My second book, The Ultimate Brag Book was born based on my profession as a life coach. I work with the nine to five working woman helping her to realize her value and create work life harmony not balance. The first step to doing this is to first see their value. One way to see your value is simply by writing down the things you love and enjoy to do, hence the ultimate rag book. Why not brag on yourself? You can come up with SO many ideas of how to start a new business, new career, new hobbies, are just plain loving on yourself.

What inspired you to write this book?
As I coach women to see and embrace their value, it bothered me to know that so many women think that they have to be all things to everyone and we don’t. What people have to understand is that we are human beings first then a woman then the titles and the roles come afterwards. That is why I wrote this book. I need women, really everyone to see the good in themselves. If they see the good in themselves by simply writing it down, I believe the world can and will change!

Here are some questions from the book:

  1. 20 cities I have been to…
  2. 10 strengths of mine are…
  3. 10 reasons why a company should hire you…

What exciting project are you working on next?
I am also a leader and let me tell you, I have seen some baddddd leadership tactics in my day. I am working on my first full leadership book! I am also in the process of launching my publishing company, MJA Publishing, LLC., so stay tuned.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
This is such a great question because I think every writer doesn’t consider themselves a writer until someone says “hey you’re a writer!” I think I considered myself a writer when I wrote my first book 52 Career Tips: Action steps to move you forward. After this book, I said okay Marla you can do this!

Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your workday like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
Not yet… but soon (eye wink). I block time on my calendar to write. I am also in the process of creating a writing space/

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I am NOT fast typer, but hey I can write my ass off!

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A teacher, and here I am coaching and teaching women work/life integration/harmony principles. I also wanted to be an architect, I love how buildings are constructed and designed.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
In addition to reading and reviewing my book and loving on yourself. I encourage you to check out my nonprofit called I/O for Teens Inc. I/O stands for Industrial Organizational Psychology (we left the P out intentionally) which is the field I’m getting my PhD in. It is the study of human behavior in the workplace. I/O for Teens Inc. is a career, skill, and confidence building organization that provides the tools needed for teenagers to create their dreams based on the science of human behavior. We are building programs to help teens succeed especially girls. Please check us out.

Website | Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook | Writer on Medium | Amazon 52 Career Tips | Amazon The Ultimate Brag Book | I/O for Teens

tour banner for The Ultimate Brag Book

Blog Tour Calendar

January 30th @ The Muffin
Join us over at WOW’s blog The Muffin where we interview author Marla J Albertie about her book The Ultimate Brag Book About Yourself. You can also win a copy of the book too!

January 31st @ Karen Brown Tyson’s blog
Come by Karen’s blog for her review of Marla J. Albertie’s book The Ultimate Brag Book About Yourself.

February 1st @ One Writer’s Journey
Visit Sue’s blog for a guest post by Marla J. Albertie about creating your manifesto.

February 2nd @ Barbara Barth Art and Words
Barbara shares a guest post by Marla J. Albertie on writing.

February 2nd @ The Mommies Reviews
Glenda shares her thoughts about Marla J. Albertie’s inspirational book The Ultimate Brag Book About Yourself.

February 3rd @ The Mommies Reviews
Visit Glenda’s blog again for a guest post by Marla J. Albertie about business and entrepreneurship.

February 5th @ Barbara Barth Art and Words
Join Barbara again as she reviews The Ultimate Brag Book About Yourself by Marla J. Albertie.

February 8th @ Create Write Now
Mari shares a guest post by Marla J. Albertie about business and entrepreneurship.

February 9th @ One Writer’s Journey
Visit Sue’s blog again for her review of The Ultimate Brag Book About Yourself by Marla J. Albertie.

February 9th HERE!

February 10th @ Choices
Visit Madeline’s blog for her review of The Ultimate Brag Book About Yourself.

February 12th @ A Storybook World
Join Deirdra as she features a guest post by Marla J. Albertie about career development.

February 14th @ Lisa’s Reading
Visit Lisa’s blog for her review of The Ultimate Brag Book About Yourself.

February 15th @ One Sister’s Journey
Visit Lisa’s blog for her review of The Ultimate Brag Book About Yourself. You also have the chance to win a copy of the book too!

February 18th @ World of My Imagination
Join Nicole as she features Marla J. Albertie on her feature three things on a Saturday night. You’ll also have the chance to win a book copy too!

February 20th @ Word Magic
Visit Fiona’s blog for a guest post by Marla J. Albertie about the law of attraction.

February 22nd @ Beverley A. Baird’s blog
Join Beverley for a guest post by Marla J. Albertie on writing.

February 23rd @ Knotty Needle
Visit Judy’s blog to read her review of The Ultimate Brag Book About Yourself.

February 24th @ Beverley A. Baird’s blog
Visit Beverley’s blog again for her review of The Ultimate Brag Book About Yourself by Marla J. Albertie.

February 25th @ The Faerie Review
Visit Lily’s blog for her review of The Ultimate Brag Book About Yourself.

February 26th @ A Storybook World
Join Deirdra for her review of The Ultimate Brag Book About Yourself.

February 28th @ Liberate and Lather
Join Angela as she shares her review of The Ultimate Brag Book About Yourself.

March 1st @ Jill Sheets’ Blog
Visit Jill’s blog for an interview with author Marla J. Albertie.

April 1st @ Write Advice
Lynn Goodwin will be interviewing author Marla J. Albertie about her book The Ultimate Brag Book About Yourself. You also have the chance to win a book copy too!

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