Interview with children’s author Kathleen Davis

cover for braveChildren’s author Kathleen Davis joins me today to chat about her picture books, BRAVE and Feathers from Above.

Kathleen Davis is a retired teacher of ten years, wife, mother of three, and author. She has her Master’s in Elementary Education from the University of Florida, and she spent her career searching for and reading good children’s books to her students. She believes that books not only provide a fountain of information, but are also a way to enter a new world and completely change a perspective.

Kathleen is hoping to encourage children to be brave, know that they are loved, and remember that God is with them through good situations and bad.

What do you enjoy most about writing children’s books?
The thing I love most about writing is the idea of helping children. I started writing books out of a personal need to help my own children not feel scared at night. If I can help other children through my words, then my goal of writing is accomplished.

Can you give us a little insight into a few of your short stories – perhaps some of your favorites?
BRAVE, my first book, was based on my children’s fears at night. They were not sleeping well and were waking me up through the night. I could not find a book that was age appropriate, did not create more fears in children, and reinforced that they were safe and loved. Six months later, my book was self-published.

cover for feathers from aboveFeathers From Above, is a rhyming children’s book for ages 3-7. The book discusses how feathers are often found on the ground randomly, but may not be random at all. Angels. Guardian Angels to be precise.

Feathers From Above, is a beautiful depiction of how Guardian Angels watch over us throughout our lives and protect us in all situations. When bad things happen they are with us to remind us we have nothing to fear.

Feathers From Above, was inspired by my children. They would find feathers and tell me that their Guardian Angel must have paid them a visit. I knew right away that this would be the framework for my next book.

What genre are you inspired to write in the most? Why?
I am most inspired to write children’s books. As a retired teacher, I love the idea of being able to teach and imprint a new message on a child with a children’s book. Being able to help a child through a difficult situation is the end goal. I want children to always remember that God is with them, and they are loved.

What exciting story are you working on next?
I am toying with the idea of writing a Christmas story. Nothing is set, but I have begun a very rough draft in hopes that it will work out!

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I still do not consider myself a writer! I am learning. Hopefully with each book I get a little better at the whole process. It is a lot working for myself juggling a business AND continuing all of the other little things life has to hold as a mother of three. I am a novice. I love the writing process and hope that I can continue to sell books and write for as long as possible, but do not fully feel I am a writer….not yet at least.

headshot photo of kathleen davisHow do you research markets for your work, perhaps as some advice for writers?
As a self-published author I use a lot of social media to research trends in my target market. I reach out to people in the industry and am always collaborating. Any time I meet anyone who is willing to share ideas about marketing I am eager to listen. I am always asking questions at book signings to my customers, and looking for any possible opportunities. Basically, my eyes are ALWAYS open to ways I could sell my books.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I am old school. I love paper and pencil. When I am writing I usually start on the computer with my first draft, I print it, then mark it all up with my pencil. Then I edit on my computer and continue the process until I have my final draft.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Hands down, an actress. Still do. If someone out there wants to discover me, here I am!

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
Life is hard and often we forget about our hopes and dreams. Or, we hold on to our hopes and dreams, but are unsure of how to take steps to accomplish them. I want people to know that they can achieve their goals if they take small steps. This does not necessarily mean quitting your day job and going all out. Choose one step to take towards accomplishing your goal. One small step a day. Whether that’s researching an article, reaching out to someone for advice, making a to do list, anything at all. Give it a try. You. may surprise yourself.

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