Interview with novelist K. E. Bonner

cover of witching moonNovelist K.E. Bonner joins me today and we’re chatting about her new YA historical fantasy, Witching Moon.

She’s currently doing a virtual book tour with Wow! Women on Writing, The Muffin. See the full tour listing below.

As a kid, I never felt smart. I was a slow reader, and the first to sit down during a spelling bee. I dreaded when it was my turn to read aloud in class, I had such a hard time pronouncing multisyllable words. And yet, I loved books. I would cozy up to my grandmother as she read my favorite pop-up book: Cinderella.

When I turned forty, I took measure of my life and what I wanted to accomplish with the time I had left on earth. My very first thought was that I wanted to write a book. I was a good writer and I loved words, that was enough to set me to writing. I spent a year happily producing drivel, trying to find an idea or plot that I could work with. Note: ideas are elusive; they hide when searched for and pop out of nowhere when you least expect them.

Please tell us about your current release.
Witching Moon is the story of Anne, a girl who is trying to discover who she is and her place in the world. She’s been raised on Cusabo Island by her adopted family. One morning Anne and her sister discover shipwreck victim, Phillip, in the waves off Cusabo. Phillip recognizes Anne as the immortal healer of Amaranth. He convinces Anne to follow him to their mutual immortal tribe. Phillip is not the only immortal searching for Anne; the world’s immortal tribes have all been searching for the healer. Anne is a talisman, and the tribe that holds the healer has health and wealth. Phillip and Anne attempt to make their way to Amaranth, while the world’s immortal tribes give chase.

What inspired you to write this book?
I wanted to write about the South Carolina lowcountry, a place that I love. Once I began researching the history of the lowcountry, characters and plot points began popping up, and I incorporated them into my book.


Excerpt from Witching Moon:
Deep in my bones, I always knew that a part of me was missing. Not an arm or a leg, but something that ran deep. When I was a young’un, it was hard to set my mind on just what wasn’t right, but then as I grew older, visions of another girl began to seep into my thoughts. Sometimes I caught a glimpse of her out of the corner of my eye, but when I turned to see if she was really there, she never was; it made me feel like a person who’s had their foot cut off but still feels the pangs and tingles of where that foot used to be.


What exciting story are you working on next?
My next book is a middle grade historical novel set in the year 1908, when many children worked rather than attend school. It’s the tale of two siblings who lose their father and are sent to Daufuskie Island, South Carolina to shuck oysters for fourteen hours a day during oyster season. It’s a tale of survival.

head shot of karen bonnerWhen did you first consider yourself a writer?
In August 2011 when I was nominated for the Sue Alexander Award at the summer SCBWI international conference. I remember thinking: I’m a writer. I can do this.

Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I work as an anesthetist; I work in the operating room putting people to sleep for surgery. I love taking care of patients and helping them through a stressful time. I write for a minimum of 45 minutes a day, no excuses. Two days a week I try to write for three hours. I have a desk calendar and I put a big red check on the dates that I write. My goal is to put a red check on the calendar everyday creating a writing streak.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I write in spurts. I’ll sit and write for 40 minutes, take a break, move to another chair or maybe the sofa, and write for another fifty minutes, then move again and repeat. I cannot sit in one place for too long.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A photographer for National Geographic Magazine, after my stint as a Peace Corps volunteer.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
In a world where you can be anything, be kind. You never know what dragons other people are fighting, try to show them grace.

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Blog Tour Calendar

December 19th @ The Muffin
Join WOW as we celebrate the launch of K.E. Bonner’s blog tour of Witching Moon. Read an interview with the author and enter to win a copy of the book!

December 20th @ Mindy McGinnis’s blog
Stop by Mindy’s blog to read “Release the Idea of Getting Rich or Published and Focus on Your Craft.” by K.E. Bonner

December 20th @ Rockin’ Book Reviews
Join us as Lu Ann reviews Witching Moon.

December 21st @ All the Ups and Downs
Join Heather as she spotlights Witching Moon. Enter to win a copy of the book!

December 23rd @ Michelle Cornish’s blog
Visit Michelle’s blog to read her review of Witching Moon.

December 24th @ A Storybook World
Join Deirdra as she features a spotlight of Witching Moon.

December 27th HERE!

December 28th @ Author Anthony Avina’s blog
Join us today for author Anthony Avina’s review of Witching Moon.

December 30th @ Author Anthony Avina’s blog
Revisit author Anthony Avina’s blog to read “The Best Writing Advice I Received” by K.E. Bonner.

January 4th @ Bev Baird’s blog
Join us on Bev’s blog as she reviews Witching Moon.

January 5th @ The Knotty Needle
Stop by for Judy’s review of Witching Moon.

January 6th @ Bev Baird’s blog
Meet us back at Bev’s blog for “Ideas are Everywhere” a guest post by K.E. Bonner.

January 6th @ Look to the Western Sky
Join Margo as she reviews Witching Moon by K.E. Bonner.

January 7th @ Chapter Break
Visit Julie’s blog where she interviews author K.E. Bonner about her book Witching Moon.

January 9th @ Sue Edwards’s blog
Visit Sue’s blog to read “Magical Realism Surrounds Us” by K.E. Bonner.

January 10th @ Celtic Lady’s Reviews
Visit Kathleen’s blog and read her review of Witching Moon by K.E. Bonner.

January 10th @ World of My Imagination
Stop by Nicole’s blog where K.E. Bonner is a guest for “Three Things on a Saturday Night.”

January 12th @ Life According to Jamie
Join us as Jamie reviews Witching Moon.

January 14th @ Boots, Shoes, and Fashion
Join Linda as she interviews author K.E. Bonner.

January 15th @ Fiona Ingram’s author blog
Stop by Fiona’s blog to see her spotlight feature of Witching Moon.

January 16th @ the Freeing the Butterfly blog
Visit Freeing the Butterfly to read “Life is Short, Do What You Love” by K.E. Bonner.

January 18th @ Jill Sheets’s blog
Stop by Jill’s blog to read her interview with K.E. Bonner.

tour banner for Witching Moon

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