Interview with children’s author Cindy Tingley

cover for Lily's egypt adventureToday’s special guest is children’s author Cindy Tingley and we’re chatting about her new children’s Bible stories chapter book, Lily’s Egypt Adventure.

Author Cindy Tingley was born in a little village in New Brunswick called Point de Bute near the Nova Scotia border where she lived for 16 years. She moved around New Brunswick during her high school years finally settling in Fredericton.

After high school Tingley met and settled down with her partner and for many years they ran a farm, produced lumber, and raised their own beef while working on rural community development projects. She remembers being interested and excited about writing as early as eight years old but life was busy and writing only became a priority in more recent years.

She began writing the Lily series of children’s bible stories almost fifteen years ago and feels now is the time to re-ignite the message of bringing peace to a fractured world. Lily’s Secret, launched in 2017, is the first in the series; Lily’s Desert Adventure, the second, launched in 2019; and the third, Lily’s Egypt Adventure, launched in 2022.

Tingley has lived in Halifax since November 2013. Along with writing every day, she likes to drum, sing (she was with the You Gotta Sing Chorus in Halifax for 4 years), walk and hang out with good people who raise her up.

Welcome, Cindy. Please tell us about your current release.
Lily’s Egypt Adventure is the third book in my Lily the Donkey series. In the previous books her adventures begin when she is chosen to carry Mary to Bethlehem and learns to have faith in herself that she is the right donkey for the job. She knew about the special baby who was about to be born because she always talked with the angels and followed her heart. She meets many new friends on her road to Bethlehem and more in the stable where Jesus is born.

In the second book, Lily’s Desert Adventure, Lily thinks now that Jesus has been born, she has done her part and everyone can go home. But, she’s woken up in the middle of a dark night to flee to Egypt to keep baby Jesus safe from evil King Herod . . .and her desert adventure begins. She travels through the desert and experiences major difficulties walking through the sand and faces many other challenges. She meets blue eagle who has come to guide them to Egypt, and gets to know Daisy who is very yappy for a camel, and her brother Deca. When Lily and her family finally enter Egypt, they are greeted by a parade of animals who know about the Christ child through dreams and inner knowing. The entourage includes Snooker the Cat, Professor Rakeem Rabbit (who teaches from the bunny book of prophecy at Bunny university), Yo-Yo, a monkey who came on a barge, and Red Dog who no longer wants to be Pharaoh’s best hunting dog, and a few more. They were all chosen to follow this Star Child who they know will change the whole world with his law of love. He had changed their lives even before they him and his family.

What inspired you to write this book?
When I began to write Lily, I had every intention to stop with the telling of the Christmas story, but the more I wrote the more new characters kept coming to life and they had other ideas. Whatever they do comes as a complete surprise to me. They keep saying, “why would you stop at the beginning of baby Jesus his life when there’s so much more to the story?” They definitely have a point.

What exciting story are you working on next?
I am currently working on the fourth and final book in the series. Lily tells the story of Jesus as he begins his ministry, up to and including the resurrection. All of his animal family, both in Egypt and Israel, witness it through their heart talk and heart vision.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
When I wrote Lily’s secret and finally held an actual copy of my book in my hand I finally considered myself a writer. That was living proof as my story had been published and then when people actually wanted to buy my book my dream had come true.

Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
No, I don’t write full time. I write when the inspiration hits. I don’t really think about it but I do write best when I am in crisis. My latest book was written in 20/21 when I had to find a new place to live. And this was a sudden shock, yet as with everything in the last two, almost three years, I gather strength and carry on, which is what Lily does. When things seem very dire in my world that’s when Lily has appeared to spread hope and love.

I am fortunate as I am retired and my time is my own and I live in a very quiet apartment. My days typically consist of writing in the morning after a long walk. Mornings are my best time. My health is such that I only have energy for small periods of the day, that I am without pain. I admire those who write full time.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
This is my third book now and I’m still following my method of when the spirit moves me my animals always take their own direction they are always in control. I guess you could consider that quirky.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to work with big cats. I fell in love with lions that I saw on the Ed Sullivan show (a circus act). I feel such a bond with them that has followed me all my life.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I hope Lily gives you joy, faith, strength, and the power to forgive others who have treated us unkindly. Lily teaches about forgiveness, gives hope, and joy. We are still middle of the pandemic and it has been a challenge for so many. We humans are amazing creatures but have so much to learn from animals. They have so much to teach us if we would just listen.

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