Interview with romance author Barbara Barth

cover for a wingman for christmasToday’s special guest is romance author Barbara Barth and we’re chatting about her new small town Christmas romance, A Wingman for Christmas.

Barbara Barth turned to writing and adopting dogs to heal after her husband died fourteen years ago. Known as Writer With Dogs, Barth currently lives with four Chihuahuas in a charming small town forty miles outside of Atlanta. She has started several writing groups over the years, including the current Walton Writers. Barth is on the Board of the Monroe-Walton Center for the Arts in Monroe, Georgia, as their Literary Arts Chair. In addition to writing, Barth enjoys painting and has won several awards for her whimsical art.

Please tell us about your current release.
I’m in love with my Christmas novella. Quite a change from what I normally write (I’m more memoir oriented although have written fiction). It is also different for me as the main character Cheryl is divorced (not widowed) and there are no dogs in this story. Just a loose-talking parrot named Nigel. A quick synopsis. The annual Sweet Water, Georgia, Christmas parade is nearing but relationships are fractured on Wild Rose Lane. Cheryl’s ex has married younger Miriam across the street, Mama has moved in with her Amazon parrot, and Alice the strange next-door neighbor keeps watch on everyone. An event happens that shakes all to the core as they work together to find answers. Filled with quirky characters, mystery, family secrets, and sweet love, all set in a hot Georgia small town. Fall in love with Nigel this holiday season and believe in the magic of Christmas again.

What inspired you to write this book?
Two things over the years. First, a phrase I heard, If it ain’t pretty don’t put it on the porch. As a former antique dealer, I know how things stack up waiting to go to a booth, or show. Cheryl’s porch is a mess, and the historical society is in an uproar for her to clean it up for the Christmas parade. Secondly, and most importantly, my mother’s love of exotic creatures and birds. The stories she used to tell stayed with me and I wanted the Mama character to have a parrot. This story is filled with love as Cheryl and her mother pick at each other as they get used to living together. I also believe in finding love at any age and wanted to write about more mature characters (Cheryl in her fifties and Mama in her eighties) finding love again.


Excerpt from A Wingman for Christmas:
The beginning of Chapter 10.

“Star light, star bright.” Cheryl almost hummed the words as she opened the worn cardboard box containing the six-foot-tall artificial white Christmas tree.

“Wish I may…” Mama joined in. “Remember how I used to say that rhyme to you at bedtime?”

“Yes, and I’d snuggle under Grandma’s old patchwork quilt.”

It had been their nightly ritual. Mama would read to each of her children at bedtime, but Cheryl was the child she doted on. “You were my first born.” Mama smiled, holding her hand on her stomach. “I sang to you every day while I carried you.”

Mama told Cheryl lots of things over the years. Important things she needed to remember to get on in the world. “Don’t let no man hold you back, Hon.” Mama’s voice would turn to a whisper and a look of sadness cross her face.

Once, when Mama spoke of Papa, she laughed, a shrill sound that scared Cheryl. “I talked to the stars every evening about your Papa and one day my wish came true.” Mama’s eyes had a wild look. Before Cheryl could say anything, Mama reached out and caressed her cheek. “Hush my darlin’. Just know you control your destiny.”


What exciting story are you working on next?
I started a novel several years ago and have left the main character Mallory sitting in the Waffle House since 2017. She is full of caffeine and told me it’s time to share her story.

headshot photo of barbara barthWhen did you first consider yourself a writer?
I wrote my widow memoir after losing my husband in 2008. I published it through a vanity publisher (self-publishing was a little taboo back then and Amazon had not really started their self-publishing platform.) I was amazed when I held my book in hand and thought I might be a writer. The book placed as a finalist in the 2011 USA Best Books Awards and that gave me confidence. I think of myself more as a storyteller than a professional writer. I take my work seriously, but it has to be fun for me. I retired from a very boring (but thank goodness I had it) job with the federal government and worked on hardship cases. Everything since, being an antique dealer, author, and artist is fun. I’m so lucky to have found my path. It has to bring joy to me and others I encounter on my journey.

Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I am totally disorganized and easily distracted. I do my best work with anything at the last minute. There’s a meme I love I saw on Facebook and thought, that’s me! “I need to get busy with…banana.”  I start out thinking one thing and do another. Then having all my dogs (I’m down to four from six) I spend time chilling with them. Most of my writing takes place after midnight when I seem the most energized. Both with my writing and painting. I like the quiet of the night.

I am so lucky I found the Monroe-Walton Center for the Arts. I spend at least three days a week there. Being surrounded by so many artistic people is amazing. I love all the artists and the folks who come in to visit. Truly blessed to have found my bliss.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
Not sure this is a quirk, but it is interesting bordering on scary. I paint at my desk with my canvas leaning on my monitor. My monitor and keyboard are full of dollops of acrylic paint. You can’t see all the letters on the keyboard. It does make for some very interesting typos. A friend told me I could buy a new keyboard for $10, and maybe I will. Banana.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I thought I’d be a mother with lots of children. We never had kids, more from postponing the thought than anything else. Now I’m a Chihuahua Mama. After losing my husband just as I turned sixty, I started adopting dogs. Six. The reason for my Writer With Dogs title. They are my babies. As I get older, I replace the big dogs that cross the Rainbow Bridge to smaller ones I can easily pick up. This is the first time in years I’ve only had four dogs. Time will tell what I do next.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
Life is what you make it. After losing my husband I was determined to find a creative path. I think I’ve done that. I also have a quiet life with my dogs, house, antiques, writing, art, and the friends I’ve made over the last fourteen years. I rarely travel (too many dogs) and I’m happy to be home at night with my canine family. The first time I sat down to write I was in awe. Didn’t think I could do it. I like to tell everyone you can make it happen. Just start. Baby steps if you will.

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Blog Tour Calendar

November 28th @ WOW! Women on Writing
Join us at our blog The Muffin to celebrate the launch of A Wingman for Christmas. We’re interviewing the author and giving away a copy of her book to one lucky reader.

November 30th @ Author Anthony Avina’s Blog
Join Anthony as he reviews A Wingman for Christmas. A perfect novella for the holiday season!

December 1st @ Deborah-Zenha Adams
Visit Deborah’s blog where she shares a guest post by author Barbara Barth about how many editors you really need.

December 3rd @ Pages and Paws
Kristine shares her review of the charming holiday novella A Wingman for Christmas.

December 5th @ One Writer’s Journey
Join Sue as she reviews A Wingman for Christmas by Barbara Barth.

December 6th @ Michelle Cornish’s Blog
Join Michelle as she reviews A Wingman for Christmas. A must-read novella for the holiday season!

December 7th @ The Frugalista Mom
Rochie shares her review of A Wingman for Christmas and gives away a copy of the book to one lucky reader.

December 8th @ Knotty Needle
Visit Judy’s blog as she features a guest post by Barbara Barth about starting a writing group.

December 9th @ A Storybook World
Visit Deirdra’s blog for a spotlight on A Wingman for Christmas by Barbara Barth.

December 10th @ Michelle Cornish’s Blog
Visit Michelle’s site as she features author Barbara Barth’s guest post on encouraging others to write.

December 12th @ Storeybook Review
Leslie shares her thoughts about this fun novella A Wingman for Christmas by Barbara Barth.

December 13th @ Bring on Lemons
Join Crystal as she shares this fun holiday novella A Wingman for Christmas.

December 14th @ Beverley A. Baird’s Blog
Visit Beverley’s blog as she reviews A Wingman for Christmas by Barbara Barth.

December 14th @ Avonna Loves Genres
Join Avonna as she reviews A Wingman for Christmas by Barbara Barth.

December 15th @ One Writer’s Journey
Visit Sue’s blog where she features a guest post by Barbara Barth about finding inspiration around you.

December 15th @ Knotty Needle
Visit Judy’s blog again as she shares her thoughts about Barbara Barth’s fun holiday read A Wingman for Christmas.

December 16th @ Beverley A. Baird’s Blog
Join Beverley as she features a guest post by author Barbara Barth about writing fiction versus memoir.

December 18th @ Life According to Jamie
Jamie will be reviewing a fun novella for the holiday season: A Wingman for Christmas.

December 19th HERE!

December 20th @ Word Magic
Visit Fiona’s blog as she features a guest post by Barbara Barth about researching your topic as well as your time frame.

December 21st @ World of My Imagination
Visit Nicole’s blog as she reviews A Wingman for Christmas.

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