Interview with paranormal romance author Amy S Cutler

Paranormal romance author Amy S Cutler is here today as part of a virtual book tour with The Muffin! We’re chatting about her newest novel, A Shadow of Love.

Full tour details are at the bottom of the post.

Amy S Cutler, author of A Shadow of Love earned her master’s degree in Creative Writing from Goddard College. Most recently she was published in Slut Vomit: An Anthology of Sex Work and featured in the Tales to Terrify Podcast, among others. Her writing focus is suspense, horror, science fiction, and ghost stories. She can be contacted through You can also follow her on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Welcome, Amy. Please tell us about your current release.
A Shadow of Love is a paranormal romance story of an abused woman and a dead poet. When Annabelle flees her abusive husband and moves into an 1860’s farmhouse, she soon learns that she is not alone; she shares her home with Christian, the ghost of a poet who killed himself in 1917. Christian, wanting nothing but solitude, tries to scare Annabelle away, but once they come together while she is dreaming, they fall in love. The clock is ticking for Christian, for moments after his hanging his fiancé magically cursed his spirit to be stuck on earth for one hundred years, and his time is almost up. With Annabelle’s ex-husband threatening her and the spirit she has fallen in love with on the verge of disappearing, Annabelle becomes obsessed with staying with Christian, and will do anything to be with him. Being in love with a ghost is bad enough, but for Annabelle, discovering that her true love will be crossing over at any moment pushes her over the edge of reckless behavior.

What inspired you to write this book?
While the story is fiction, the house in the story is real. I based the story on my parents’ house in upstate New York. It was our summer home, and I have lots of ghost stories that happened there. One day I was wondering to myself what it would be like to move into the house all alone, perhaps freshly single, and finding out that it was already inhabited by a ghost. And what if that ghost was cute?


Excerpt from A Shadow of Love:
When I awoke on the kitchen floor after hearing the sweet voice of my mother in the distance, I was not sure if I really wanted to be alive. My heart felt broken, a piece of it taken away, and I felt that to get it back, I had to leave my life behind. Only a few weeks have passed, and it seems like the fog is clearing and my memories are getting fuzzy. I want to grasp hold of them, but it’s like trying to catch air; the moments just slip away. Certain things, I will never forget. Christian’s lips, when they finally met mine, the way his hand felt pressed into my lower back while we danced in the kitchen. The curve of his spine, as we laid in bed together, wondering at the miracle of us being able to be together at all, fingers touching, maybe not completely solid but close enough. His eyes, as clear and blue as a frozen lake, that seem to hold so much life, even though they were void of life completely.

I must sound like a crazy person. I probably am. I fell in love with a ghost, a ghost who tried to chase me away but ended up holding me in his arms. A ghost by the name of Christian who is now not a ghost anymore, but something beyond my reach.

The more time that passes between then and now, between the unreal and the real, the more I wonder where I go from here. The snowy season is starting to come to an end, and as spring approaches, I feel like I’m reliving everything that has happened. I must go back to the beginning to sort this all out, to make sense out of this great love I have for a man who thought that love was the worst-case scenario. A man who wanted me out as I was coming in.


What exciting story are you working on next?
The story that I am working on now is one that resonates with the space I am in my own life, grappling with large questions of my soul’s purpose. This is a very mystical story, and one of the secondary characters from “A Shadow of Love” plays a larger role in this still untitled story of reincarnation, a soul’s journey, healing, fear, sorrow, and love.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
When I was in middle school, a poem I wrote was published in the local newspaper. Having others read words that I wrote was a game changer for my mindset.

Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I run a ski area with my family. Depending on the time of year, I can have time to myself or work 90 days with no time off. Part of my job is marketing, which lets me be creative and connect with our customers through words, which is the best part of what I do. During the winter months I struggle to write a few creative words a week. During the off-season I am lucky enough to have time almost every morning to focus on my writing.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I like to put on my headphones and listen to scary background music. Even if I am writing a scene that is not scary, or a story that is not scary, it helps me to keep that essence of mystery.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a bestselling author. One day, when I grow up, I’d like to revisit that dream.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I will never give up on my dreams, no matter how long it takes or how much life gets in the way. I encourage others to fight for their passion, to step out of their own long shadow, and pursue their purpose.

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes and Noble |

Tour stops:
October 3rd @ WOW! Women on Writing
Join us as we celebrate the launch of Amy S. Cutler’s book A Shadow of Love. Read an interview with the author and enter to win a copy of the book.

October 5th @ Sadie’s Spotlight
Sadie spotlights A Shadow of Love and features an excerpt from the book.

October 6th @ Create Write Now
Mari L. McCarthy shares a guest post by Amy S. Cutler about the importance of learning how to self-market. A must-read post for authors!

October 8th @ Life According to Jamie
Jamie reviews Amy S. Cutler’s book A Shadow of Love. Don’t miss this exciting book!

October 10th @ Amy’s Booket List
Join Amy as she reviews Amy S. Cutler’s book A Shadow of Love.

October 12th @ Word Magic
Join Fiona as she shares a guest post by Amy S. Butler about the importance of finding a writing community.

October 15th @ What is That Book About?
Find out more about A Shadow of Love by Amy S. Cutler in this book spotlight.

October 16th @ Celtic Lady’s Book Reviews
Read a review of Amy S. Cutler’s book A Shadow of Love.

October 17th @ Jill Sheets’ Blog
Join Jill as she interviews author Amy S. Cutler about her book A Shadow of Love.

October 18th @ A Storybook World
Deirdra features Amy S. Cutler’s book A Shadow of Love.

October 19th @ Beverley A. Baird’s Blog
Bev reviews Amy S. Cutler’s book A Shadow of Love.

October 20th @ Knotty Needle
Join Judy Hudgins for her review of Amy S. Cutler’s book A Shadow of Love.

October 21st @ Beverley A. Baird’s Blog
Join Bev as she shares a guest post by Amy S. Cutler about the story behind the haunted house in the novel.

October 22nd HERE!

October 24th @ Girl Zombie Authors
Read a guest post by Amy S. Cutler about why ghost stories are so popular.

October 25th @ Four Moon Reviews
Join Samantha as she reviews Amy S. Cutler’s book A Shadow of Love. You can also win a copy of the book too!

October 27th @ Girl Zombie Authors
Come by Chris’ blog again and read a review of Amy S. Cutler’s book A Shadow of Love. You can also enter to win a copy of the book too!

October 29th @ Boots, Shoes and Fashion
Visit Linda’s blog for an in-depth interview with author Amy S. Cutler about her book A Shadow of Love.

October 31st @ Author Anthony Avina’s Blog
Visit Anthony’s blog for Amy S. Cutler’s guest post about finding a publisher.

November 1st @ Choices
Join Madeline as she features a guest post by Amy S. Cutler about the first draft process.

November 2nd @ Jessica Belmont’s Blog
Jessica reviews Amy S. Cutler’s book A Shadow of Love.

November 3rd @ Write Advice
Read Amy’s guest post about how she found the idea for Shadow of Love and turned it into a story.

November 4th @ Author Anthony Avina’s Blog
Read Anthony’s review of A Shadow of Love by Amy S. Cutler. A paranormal book you don’t want to miss!

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