Interview with romance author C.S. Edwards

Today’s guest is romance author C.S. Edwards and we’re chatting about her new paranormal novel Love Potion #999.

During her virtual book tour, C.S. will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble (winner’s choice) gift card to a lucky randomly drawn winner. To be entered for a chance to win, use the form below. To increase your chances of winning, feel free to visit her other tour stops and enter there, too!

I’ve been writing stories for as long as I can remember. After I finally admitted out loud that I wanted to be an author, it took me a few years to really put something out there – super scary process! Now, I write every chance I get – with five kids, at times, those chances are few and far between. My kids swear I talk to myself way too much. What they don’t know, is I’m not talking to myself, I’m talking to my characters. Sure, that makes me a little bit crazy, but come on, it also makes me super interesting – right?! While working on these magical new paranormal adventures, and a new cozy mystery series, I’ve also found a passion for creating journals, trackers, and planners. Because lord knows I need all the help I can get just keeping it all together. I do have some amazing help with all the stuff from my sexy-as-all-get-out hubby – and yeah, all those kids, too. As a family, we live on the Kentucky side of Cincinnati, and are all just doing our part to make the world a little more entertaining.

Please tell us about your current release.
Love Potion #999 is a fun romp with a sassy cast of characters; a whole lot like my twenties. You see, Betsy Babington hales from a famous witch doctor family, and has risen to the height of success and fame. She’s the brains and name behind the famous Babington’s Best brand of potions, which are more like beauty products than life altering magical mixtures. Together with a circle of misfit friends, that are also her co-workers, and a couple of troublesome cupids, Betsy seems to be headed for nothing but trouble. The biggest problem is she’s bored, single and lonely. Being a good witch, Betsy has never stepped out of line. She’s followed every recipe in her father’s master potions book to a tee… until she finds a forbidden love potion and can’t resist the thought of adding it to her collection; and testing it out for herself. That my friends, was a bad idea and causes all sorts of mayhem; including not knowing if she is really in love with the hunky witchologist she met in Arnold’s Bar! Thinking her rogue potion has possessed the man she may or may not love, Betsy and her band of wacky tag-a-longs go on a journey to set things straight!

What inspired you to write this book?
This is the second book in my Witch Doctor Series that is based on the stories of three siblings, Betty, Betsy, and Bart – just like my own family. Of course, we’re not Witches, but my dad was a dentist – hence the whole Doctor theme. Last year when, my best friend and fellow author Robyn Peterman – asked me to write in her universe, I was thrilled and immediately said yes! She is the mastermind behind the Magic and Mayhem Universe that connects this story and series to so many other amazing tales of paranormal romance. Thus, this Witch Doctors series always has a strong theme of friendship and how important friends are in the lives of each of the main characters! Because without my best friend, I might not have told these tales!


Excerpt from Love Potion #999:
“It definitely makes a statement. Doesn’t it? The silver color is so regal,” Jessica said.

“Beautiful.” Lola drew the word out in a muddy Central European accent.

“Agreed. I’m super pleased with this one. I think it’s going to do really well.” Betsy sighed.

“That was not convincing at all. What’s up, Betsy? Do you not like the vials? They are the finest crystal we could get.” Ron held a sample size vial up in the air. The sun, streaming in from the bank of floor to ceiling windows in the apartment, hit the silver potion, making it dance like liquid glitter.

“Of course, I do. I think this potion is great. It’s just… well, I wish we could do something really different. Something super cool and interesting. A potion for the ages. You know. One that would change everything.” Betsy raised an eyebrow.

“Like what?” The coven responded in unison.

Betsy paused for a split second before she slid the tattered loose-leaf paper out of her pocket. “Like this.”

The coven stared at the wrinkly, yellow sheet. Its scripted writing danced across the page, captivating them all. No one spoke. No one looked away.

“It’s a love potion. We’re going to make the magical world’s first love potion in 200 years,” Betsy said.


What exciting story are you working on next?
I’m working on the third book in the Witch Doctors Series – This one is focuses on the brother, Bart! It’s going to be another crazy fun adventure – just this time from a male perspective. Writing from the viewpoint of the opposite sex is tricky. But I do live in a house with 5 guys (1 husband and 4 sons) – where the girls (1 daughter, myself and Ginger the Goldendoodle) are seriously outnumbered! So, let’s just say I know a thing or two about how men think, act, feel, and talk. I’m having a ton of fun stepping into the mind of a man! This book is bound to be wilder, sexier, and definitely funnier – if you like guy humor. Of course, Bart – the Witch Doctor Cosmetic Surgeon – loves his work more than anything and is happily wedded to his bachelor lifestyle; until he finds the perfect witch that turns everything upside down!!

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I first started writing in grade school. I wrote everything — poems, songs, stories! I was also one of those kids who played dress up everyday and had imaginary friends and pets. However, I first voiced my desire to be an author at the age of twenty-seven, that’s when I got serious. After I put my secret author desires out into the universe – I had no excuse but to make it happen!

Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I wish!! I do not. I have a full-time 40 hour a week job – I’m in HR – working with an education benefit for Amazon – it’s super fun and I do love my day job! Also, I have five kids. One dog. And a husband. It’s a lot to juggle. But I do find time to write every week. And I try to write something every day. Mostly, I also spend a lot of evenings and weekends sitting on the sofa with my laptop, typing away.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I like to read everything out loud! I mean a lot. As soon as I complete a scene or chapter, I have to read it out loud – usually to my husband, who pretends to remember what’s going on in the story (he’s a non-fiction dude), or all the background details I’ve told him. He fails miserably 99% of the time! It is super funny when I’m rambling on about book details and he asks me who I’m talking about as if my characters are real friends – which, of course, they are!

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
An actress. A teacher. A mom. A photographer. And yes, a writer. I’ve been all of those things.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I’m a reader too – as all authors are. And I appreciate your support. I know how a good story transports me; out of my life and into another. It’s a gift to read and to write. Thank you to all the authors, and the readers. Though we may never meet, I consider myself lucky to spend time with you through words on the page!

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50 thoughts on “Interview with romance author C.S. Edwards

  1. Bea LaRocca says:

    I love the cover art, synopsis and excerpt, Love Potion #999 sounds like an awesome read. Thank you for sharing your interview, bio and book details, I have enjoyed reading about you and your work and I am looking forward to reading your book

  2. Eva Millien says:

    Great interview, Love Potion #999 sounds like a delightful, fun read that I will really enjoy! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a terrific day!

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