Interview with romance author Grace Grahme

Romance author Grace Grahme joins me today to chat about her new contemporary novel, Fairly Royal.

During her virtual book tour, Grace will be awarding a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble (winner’s choice) gift card to a lucky randomly drawn winner. To be entered for a chance to win, use the form below. To increase your chances of winning, feel free to visit her other tour stops and enter there, too!

Welcome, Grace, please tell us a little bit about yourself.
I love reading and I love writing even more – I balance (not always successfully) writing, a career, a family, and a menagerie of dogs, cats, and backyard chickens.

Writing allows me to live vicariously through my characters, escape to worlds and experiences I might never have, and my characters always have a witty response or a perfect retort. (my characters never have the thought of ‘that’s what I should have said!’)

I’m an avid coffee consumer and adult beverage fan. I love catching up with my friends on Marco Polo and working out at they gym. I avoid cleaning, cardio, and carbs- unless it’s an emergency.

I carve out writing time by starting my day at 515am with a trip to the gym. Which unfortunately means I’m in bed earlier than I’d like. If anyone knows how to be a night owl AND an early bird, drop me a line!

Please tell us about your current release.
Fairly Royal is a Scottish, Slow-burn, Steamy, Billionaire Romance. It’s the third in a series of interconnected stand-alone romances, no cliff-hangers here, each book gets a well-deserved HEA.

What inspired you to write this book?
I loved Phillip’s character since I introduced him in chapter one of book 2, Fair Play. When I wrote Anna’s character much later in that story and she invited him for a drink at the very end of book 2, I knew there was something up between the two of them and they proved that suspicion correct with a great romance in Fairly Royal.


Excerpt from Fairly Royal:
From Chapter 1

Anna glanced around the empty hall. “I’m starving. Would you like to get something to eat?”

“We did serve a meal, didn’t we?” Phillip asked with an amused look.

“It was very arty, and I’d need twice as much for a real dinner. Come on, I’ll buy you a kebab. Let’s put something real in your stomach.”

“I have an early start tomorrow, so I need to get home. I appreciate the invitation, though.”

“Phillip.” She put her hand on his arm, stilling him. “You’re not old, unlike most of the guests tonight. You don’t need to get to bed early yet.”

“Perhaps. Unfortunately, I have work waiting.”

“Too much work can make you dull.”

The expression on his face spoke volumes.

“I am dull, in case you haven’t noticed. But I enjoyed seeing you this evening. Have a good night, Anna.” He leaned forward and kissed her cheek before striding down the stairs.

She watched him go. How could he think he was dull when her stomach was doing flips at his touch?


What exciting story are you working on next?
I’ve got three projects in the works, two are Christmas related – one is my first rom-com, it’s a group project where 10 writers are setting their novels in the same picturesque town and the characters all have a role to play in a sexy Santa business.

The other is a short story where my Texas gal in book 2 takes her hot Scot boyfriend home to meet her family for the holiday, and let’s just say kilts and cowboys don’t always go hand in hand.

Finally will be the next book in the series- I’m 99% sure this is going to be James and Margaret’s story!

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I wrote my first book in 6th grade, but I truly felt like a reader after I published book 1 in May of 2021. Putting your work out there where strangers will read it is a big step. I still get nervous when I release a book out into the wilds.

Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I’m not a full-time author so I balance a full-time job, a family, and writing. Sometimes I’m better at it than others, but realizing I can’t do it all is a big part of it, accepting my limitations and working with them. Exercise for example- this is a must, so I’m up at 5am several times a week for class. If I have an evening class, I come home and put my gym clothes on immediately- I’m less likely to skip if I’m already dressed. After working till 5pm, going to the gym, and walking the dogs, dinner is usually fast and easy. No fancy cooking from me. And TV? Nope, I haven’t watched it in years. I know about it and pay attention to shows for trends and such, but I don’t want anything with regularity. Writing replaced all my TV time. And I’ll admit, there are probably a few more dust bunnies in my house, especially as I prepare to release a book. It’s like what Shonda Rhimes said: if you’re succeeding in one part of your life, there’s likely a part of your life you’re neglecting. Accept it and don’t beat yourself up about it.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I write a great deal on my front porch and enjoy chatting on Marco Polo with my writing friends.

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Fairly Royal. discounted price of $2.99 through July 5
Fair Play, Book 2, 99¢ through July 1
Faire’s Fair, Book 1, 99¢ through July 1

5 thoughts on “Interview with romance author Grace Grahme

  1. Bea LaRocca says:

    I love the cover, synopsis and excerpt, this sounds like a must read for me. Thank you for sharing your interview and book details, I have enjoyed reading about you and your work and I am looking forward to reading Fairly Royal

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