Interview with epic fantasy author Antony Soehner

Today’s special guest is Antony Soehner. He’s chatting with me about his epic fantasy adventure, The Prince.

During his virtual book tour, Antony will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble (winner’s choice) gift card to a lucky randomly drawn winner. To be entered for a chance to win use the form below. To increase your chances of winning, feel free to visit his other tour stops and enter there, too.

The book will be $0.99 during the tour.

Geek by heart, author by trade. Raised on a healthy diet of geek and pop culture, Antony has come to share his love and appreciation for role-playing games and geek culture. If it’s random comic book fact, Star Wars obsession, or just the measly obscure movie reference, Antony is there!

Welcome, Antony. Please tell us about your current release.
The Prince is a high-fantasy adventure and the first book in the Prince Theo Saga. A multi-layered story about a young prince who discovers the diverse, fantastic world around him as he escapes his abusive tyrant father, King George. Finding himself in the care of a native tribe thought to be the enemy, Theo begins his long journey of growing and healing from the traumas he faced back home.

What inspired you to write this book?
I started writing The Prince back in March of 2020. Anyone old enough to remember that specific month of our lives understands the anxious state of turmoil the world was in. I originally titled the document “My Pandemic Project” in hopes it would be done when the pandemic ended… I was in need of some escape but also wanted to speak out about things that I felt needed the spotlight. After sitting in my backyard for a while, I decided to take my racing thoughts and put them to use. Here we are two years later and I am now four books deep into this saga.


Excerpt from The Prince:
Chapter 17: Man in the Mask

“You have a new duty,” Ta’goda swallowed. The chief’s eyes peered over his daughter’s shoulders and locked onto Theo. “I cannot leave our people and get the prince to the rivers—”

“I’m not leaving you here—”

“Rhan’takono, this is not the time to argue—”

“There is nothing to argue over! I’m fighting beside you—”

“I can’t—”

“I am to be chief one day! How can I stand before my people after running from this?”

“If you don’t go now, there won’t be a tribe for you to be chief of!” Ta’goda snapped. “This is not a command as your chief. I am begging you, as your father—” the words caught in the back of his throat, “please.”


What exciting story are you working on next?
Currently, I am writing book four of the Prince Theo Saga while also editing book two. If all goes well this summer, book two titled The Admiral should arrive sometime next spring!

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I have always considered myself a writer. I wrote my first story in third grade and all my life growing up I would fill binders, journals, and composition notebooks with tales about Werewolves, wizards, a ninja panda, and even P.I. mystery stories. I was every English teacher’s favorite student when it was creative writing time. (Other times, not so much.) But I finally became serious about writing during my half a semester of college. It was there I discovered that not only did I like creating fantasy stories but I enjoyed getting to create with words in a way I could never portray any other way.

Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I have a unique job that allows me to write like a full-timer. I am the social media coordinator for the local publisher, 5 Prince Publishing. It’s my job to facilitate their presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so on. Since it’s a remote job that requires me to be at my computer and in touch with other authors constantly, I get to work in tandem while I write. I try to maintain a daily writing goal of 1,500 words a day while also getting the month’s, week’s, and day’s social posts produced. Its a lot of fun and really keeps me involved with the writing community.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
This one is for all of my Dungeons and Dragons nerds. From time to time I like to break out my twenty-sided dice and let the results of a few rolls help me write and navigate my stories. In my earlier series about D&D groups, I would use the dice for the entire story. Nowadays, it’s more of a tool to help me break writer’s block or forks in the road of the story. Keeps me on my toes and makes things interesting!

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I think at different points in growing up I checked all the typical things off the list. Firefighter, Scientist, and astronaut were at the top for a while. But I think being a Teacher was always my dream. It still is and like one of my favorite teachers from high school, it’s a possibility later in life after I’ve chased other dreams and goals.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I hope you stick around after the story is done! There’s a treat in the back of each copy just like after the credits of a Marvel Movie. *insert cheeky smile here*

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5 thoughts on “Interview with epic fantasy author Antony Soehner

  1. Eva Millien says:

    Great interview and excerpt, I can’t wait to read The Prince! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a splendid day!

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