Title: The Lead Machine: The Small Business Guide to Digital Marketing
Author: Rich Brooks
Website: https://theleadmachinebook.com
Highly recommended read
With so many books available, I seldom re-read any, but this is one that I have written in, have multiple bookmarks in, and have even highlighted.
I met the author, Rich Brooks, at his Agents of Change conference a few times and appreciated his fun yet professional way of sharing his knowledge about digital marketing. I grabbed this book as soon as it was available, and have had it handy ever since.
It’s a great resource for all the areas involved in creating a business website that attracts prospects and turns them into clients. It covers website creation, SEO, content development (social media, blogging, etc.), email marketing, and the process to evaluate and re-evaluate your digital efforts to keep yourself top-of-mind with your clients and prospects.
The Lead Machine is straightforward, easy to digest with its focused chapters and short sections, and even fun to read. It reads conversationally and isn’t a specific “how to” since technology is always changing, but it’s a great road map for business owners wanting a strong digital presence for their business. It helps me fill in the gaps for my planning — no one can know everything, so having a book that lays out the areas to cover and what to include in each of those spaces, it becomes evergreen in its longevity.
I appreciate the white space, the bolded headings, and the right-to-the point information I can use or implement right away, and that I can return to when I feel I need a refresher. The Lead Machine is quite handy for the small business owner who wants a hands-on guide for keeping their online presence relevant.
[first published in Flackery, Spring 2022]