My special guest today is dark fantasy author Russell Archey. We’re chatting about his new horror novel, Ashes of Aldyr: Book One of The Obscured Throne Trilogy.
During his virtual book tour, Russell will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble (winner’s choice) to a lucky randomly drawn winner. To be entered for a chance to win, use the form below. To increase your chances of winning, feel free to visit his other tour stops and enter there, too!
Russell Archey has been writing since he was old enough to hold a pencil. His love for narratives, world-building, and story-telling has fed into nearly every aspect of his life: from his video and board game hobbies to pressing his most cherished books onto his unfortunate children (who will, one day, read the Lord of the Rings trilogy whether they like it or not). When he’s not creating new worlds and horrifying things to threaten them with destruction, he’s bringing other author’s fantastic works to life as an audio book narrator, spending time with his two children, and pressing his dear wife’s eternal patience with his quirky habits.
Please tell us about your current release.
Ashes of Aldyr is what happens when the worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien and H.P. Lovecraft have a baby and raise it with Laird Barron.
It’s a high fantasy setting that suffers from a mysterious, apocalyptic event called ‘The Rupture’ that brings it down to a very dark fantasy setting.
The many stories it tells involve different characters and different settings, but they reference each other; this creates a dark mosaic wherein each story is a different piece of that mosaic. You’ll get a bigger picture of what the world of Alda is going through via different perspectives and events.
Rest assured, there are some characters that serve a bigger purpose and will be seen again in future books.
What inspired you to write this book?
Ashes started as an idea I had a few years ago, where I wondered what it would be like if a high fantasy setting that had been brought down to a dark fantasy setting by an apocalyptic, cosmic-horror event.
I also wanted to build a mythos, which takes several stories, but make it happen within a set trilogy instead of over many books and many years. So, the structural basis for Ashes of Aldyr was born. It became the first book in the trilogy when I had to decide on a name for the trilogy, itself. Since the story involves multiple characters and locations, I couldn’t go with any one character in particular; however, I felt it would be interesting if the focal point of the name was based around the big bad causing everything: The Obscured Throne.
Of course, my love for fantasy and cosmic horror also had a lot to do with it.
Excerpt from Ashes of Aldyr:
“He looked to his left at the aldyr tree that grew precariously near the edge of that mighty drop. It should have remained blooming throughout the fall and winter despite cold, darkness, and snow. Now, it was dead—a lifeless reminder of what was happening to his world. Lush and full of timeless vigor, the aldyrs are sacred to the world. Now, they all lay dry and lifeless; broken like the world that once was.”
What exciting story are you working on next?
The next book in this trilogy: Ghosts of Alda!
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
When I discovered in elementary school that I loved telling stories and always wanted to be good at it! I’m still working on that part, like any good artistic endeavor, but I feel like I have to write or I start to get a creative itch that only writing can scratch.
Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I don’t currently write full-time, although my full-time career is as a voice-over talent which I absolutely love doing! I enjoy both aspects of these endeavors and would have no qualms with saying I’m a full-time voice-over talent and author.
What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I like to think all writers have a style, a voice, and I’m still trying to figure out what mine is. According to many readers, it seems like I’m getting there—and it tends to involve my ability for writing visceral descriptions of my books various dark, gribbly things.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wasn’t really sure for a long time, even into college. But, I can say with certainty that writing an voice over are definitely it!
Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
Never be afraid to share your art with the world!
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Thanks for hosting!
I enjoyed reading the author’s interview and am looking forward to reading this book. The cover is awesome! Thank you for posting
Sounds like a good book.
Thank you for the interview, Lisa!