Interview with paranormal romance author Anna J Walner

cover of LarougoToday’s special guest is paranormal romance author Anna J Walner to chat with me about Larougo, Book Two of The Uluru Legacy Series.

Anna began her journey to becoming an Author at a young age, escaping into the world of books. Visiting faraway places and going on thrilling adventures, while dealing with Social Anxiety.

Over time her own voice as an Author began to take shape. The Enrovia Series was her first series, establishing her own company, Silver Dawn Publishing, and venturing out for the first time.

Anna is now an International Bestselling Author of The Uluru Legacy Series, Garkain. Her journey as an author is only just beginning, with three more books in the series, and a new work in progress always at the ready.

Welcome, Anna. Please tell us about your current release.
The thrilling continuation of the Uluru Legacy Series.

While some questions will be answered, more will be raised. As new truths come to light, and new evils make themselves known, not everyone will survive.

The vision for a new Colony is at stake as Amelia and Roan discover they’re part of something even larger than they thought.

A delicious and compelling continuation of the story that captured the attention of audiences earlier this year. A book with bite, that doesn’t disappoint.

What inspired you to write this book?
My own adoption. I took my adoption story and gave it to Amelia, the Main Character, and let her take it in wildly different direction. I wanted to write a Paranormal Romance that was unlike any that readers had seen before. Weaving science with Fantasy and creating a believable secret society in the heart of the Australian Outback.

What exciting story are you working on next?
The third book in the series, which will take us into the New Adult realm. Spoiler alert: steam ahead! There will be more in-depth development between characters and the dangerous situation we were apprised of in Larougo will come to a head.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I’ve always considered a writer, keeping a journal from a very young age. Only recently did I become an Author with the release of the Enrovia Series two years ago. And it’s been an amazing and rewarding journey!

Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I have a two-year-old who dictates my schedule in every area including writing time! Typically, my work day as an author begins at bedtime for her.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
My thoroughly unique sense of humour, or so says my partner LOL.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A marine mammal trainer or Oceanographer. I’ve still maintained my love of science and nature, but now use it as inspiration for writing.

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Thanks for being here today, Anna. Happy writing!

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