Today’s special guest is author Elizabeth Price to chat about her new paranormal mystery, Haunted Ends 3 – Disco Inferno.
During her virtual book tour, Elizabeth will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble (winner’s choice) gift card to a lucky randomly drawn winner. To be entered for a chance to win, use the form below. To increase your chances of winning, feel free to visit her other tour stops and enter there, too!
Elizabeth Price is best known for her Paranormal Mystery series Haunted Ends, which makes light of the dark side of death. Born in Southern California, Elizabeth has always been drawn to Science Fiction and fantasy stories. Having also lived and worked in haunted buildings for many years, she has a deep interest in the paranormal and anything that goes “BOO!” in the night – with the exception of critics that is.
Welcome, Elizabeth. Please tell us about your current release.
The crew of the hit cable paranormal investigations television show “Haunted Ends” teams up to investigate the legendary and mysterious Galaxy Disco. While shooting the show at the disco, their investigation takes a turn for the worse when the crew is transported back in time to the late 1970s. The stars of the show, along with their ghostly co-host Sam, must solve the mystery of the Galaxy Disco by discovering who sabotaged the disco’s electrical systems that caused the deaths of over twenty people.
Only once the mystery is solved can the crew return to their own time.
What inspired you to write this book?
This story was inspired by an ice tea and a cupcake. Before 2020, I would spend a lot of time writing in coffee shops… as many writers do. I was writing in a coffee shop in downtown Riverside, not far from the Mission Inn. I used the Mission Inn as the inspiration for the hotel where the crew stayed at the end of the story. The pub they visited during their visit belongs to a friend of mine as well. As for the Galaxy Disco, I believe I started a rumor about an old disco being haunted back in the first book. I thought it was about time the crew investigated the old disco.
Excerpt from Haunted Ends 3: Disco Inferno:
He cupped his hand over his forehead, feeling a migraine coming on. “Oh, this… this is not good.” He hurried back to his crew. “By chance, do any of you have cell phone reception?”
Everyone in the group held up their dead phones.
“No,” Jennifer whined as she squeezed her phone to her chest in a panic. “OMG! This is like the first time in my life that I haven’t had a phone. What if there’s an emergency? How will we—” she cried.
Everyone in the group turned to her with annoyed expressions.
“Chill, girl. Just chill!” Silvia spoke in a calm voice.
Jennifer grabbed a chunk of her long, chestnut brown hair and began to pull at it violently. “Easy for you to say. You’re old. You’re used to not having a phone.”
“Watch it!” Silvia growled. She motioned for Rocky to step into the corner away from Jennifer, near the creates of liquor. “We’re stuck, aren’t we?”
Rocky nodded, nervously running his tongue along his lips. “Somehow we accidentally slipped through a paranormal vortex. One of the ghosts who died here inadvertently sucked
What exciting story are you working on next?
Haunted Ends 4 is currently in the works and might be out later this year. I’m in the process of writing Haunted Ends 5 and possibly Haunted Ends 6 if Rocky agrees to renew his contract. There are so many possibilities with this series, it’s hard to say for certain.
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
Thinking way back, I’d have to say I first realized I was a writer was in 10th grade. My English teacher at the required my class to write journals. I would writer crazy little stories that interested me. On several occasions she would write back that I wrote like Stephen King or several other authors. I believed that if she thought I was as good as well-known authors, maybe I had a chance.
Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
At the moment, I consider myself a full-time writer. I recently became a Fiverr Pro ghost writer, so I’ve been spending a good deal of my time writing stories and novels for others on top of writing my novels.
What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
When writing the Haunted Ends series, I tend to listen to music from Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion ride. The music from the ride inspires me to write.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Probably an actor. I loved to act and be on stage as a child.
Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
If at any time, especially while you’re reading any of the Haunted Ends series, Sam visits you, don’t believe anything he tells you. I’ve been informed (via Ouija board) that Sam has been taking credit for ghostwriting the series.
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